Gamers Thread

The baseball character I created won the world series for the second time (different team though), yaaaaay


This was made even more awesome by the fact that the Giants played the dodgers and the A's.
What PC games do you guys like to listen to music to? I personally have trouble concentrating on *just* listening to music (especially digesting new material) and I generally have to play some type of simple, but spatially oriented game to keep the restless part of my brain occupied.

I think I mentioned before that mining in WoW is pretty great with music. GTA 3 is good too, as is Any racing game with a time trial mode does the trick pretty well also.

Does anyone else suffer from this same problem? What do you do?
Anyone played Red Dead Redemption? I considered buying it but want some feedback first.

Planning on getting when the cash comes available. Heard nothing but good reviews.

you can do stuff like chase and shoot outlaws on horseback, lasso cattle and bad guys, save innocents being hung by shooting the rope, all the while being shot at, play poker and blackjack and five-finger fillet, drink whiskey, etc.

it has amazing graphics, kickass gameplay, totally immersive open world, go get it.
Recently joined the console crowd myself (PS3). Red Dead Redemption is amazing, and more recently Uncharted 2 has been blowing my fucking mind! It's nice not having to fiddle around on the PC for a change. Instead shit just works right off the bat. Lovin it.
That's not to say I've stopped playing the PC completely. If RDR and Uncharted 2 don't impress you graphically though you're fucking blind!

Btw add me on steam ya cunt. ID is Crappers. I has L4D2.

Well I was mostly trolling(with some truth).

Also, it will be quite a while before I actually get L4D2 running.

Fucking 6 gigs with poor internet. Shit takes a few days when I leave it downloading all day and night.