Recent content by Bitter Dawn

  1. Bitter Dawn

    Guitar Pro 5

    I use GP5 for checking out other bands tabs, and to get some of the notes for some of the things I've written on guitar and want to put into synth. I also like how some files have tabs for all the instruments, it can be pretty useful.
  2. Bitter Dawn

    Your Favorite Brand of Guitar?

    I'm going to have to side with Schecter on this one, and I've played a number of other guitars from other companies with the exception of Jackson but I can't get past how they look like putters, although I'm sure they play nice. My only complaint about Schecter is all the shitty bands they...
  3. Bitter Dawn

    Progenies dimmu LIVE cover :)

    Too bad isn't wasn't a longer sample, but from what you posted it sounds like you did a good job covering it. I'll jump in on the head banging debate though, and yeah long hair does look alot better for that but it hasn't stopped pretty much all bald guitarist/bassist from banging their...
  4. Bitter Dawn


    Lots of practice! Use your diaphragm for your screams, it should be a technique that's sort of inbetween actually yelling/screaming and creating a harsh tone of your vocals, I can't imagine you can produce a loud and harsh noise properly without really using your lungs. Describing vocal...
  5. Bitter Dawn

    EMG Pickups

    I have EMG Active 85/60A pickups in my guitar and I like them, and in my wife's guitar I believe they are EMG H4 bridge and EMG H4A neck pickups, and both seem pretty good. But I think it depends on more than just the pick-ups, you have to consider the strings, the wood the guitar is made...
  6. Bitter Dawn

    for drummers

    An interesting idea indeed, but I would just assume either writing guitar and bass for a track or getting something for Guitar Pro (which has the drum tabs sometimes) and play along to that which is free.
  7. Bitter Dawn

    T3h Shred Boiz - Too Grim for Ultimate Metal

    Some geeky technical guitar nerds doing what is essentially a parody of black metal? Garbage.
  8. Bitter Dawn

    Satanic Dirge - Wight Metal

    None of this sounds remotely like black metal at all, In Staid Grace sounds like an attempt at an Opeth clone though. Rainwound - the name alone sounds like a injured hippy which the music and it's titles support that impression. I admit, this guy plays guitar better than I do but...
  9. Bitter Dawn

    Bitter Dawn - 3 song demo available for free

    I may not be on here much but just incase there is anyone out there who may like this sort of music here's an update. We're done with using pod hook-ups, vst plug-ins and drum programing and everything is now mic recorded, including drums. Our first example is the new track "Urn" which is...
  10. Bitter Dawn

    Trelldom tabs?

    Earlier this month (or maybe it was late last month) there was a statement released saying Infernus was the rightful owner of the Gorgoroth. I just checked their site and it now says that Gaahl and King are the owners, so I'm not sure what happend, but I guess you're right man.
  11. Bitter Dawn

    Trelldom tabs?

    True. I haven't tried yet, and figured I may get a more accurate tab if some others had already done it. Btw, nice to see someone from B.C. around here, I'm originally from Vancouver, BC. WeAreInFlames: I'm sure you must know about the whole ordeal between Gaahl and King versus Infernus.
  12. Bitter Dawn

    Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao

    Ordo Ad Chao is a very solid and true album, one of Mayhem's best pieces. As it's been already said, it's full of atmosphere, very muddy, bleak and dark which is aided by the choice of recording quality. I've noticed alot of people complain about the drum work, and for those who don't like...
  13. Bitter Dawn


    This may not be the best idea if you play live shows, although I've seen bands use laptops before but, I just got Moog Modular V for my band and my friend/college has been doing something pretty good things with it and he seems to be pretty happy with the program.
  14. Bitter Dawn

    Trelldom tabs?

    Trelldom is a three man band from Norway that started in the early to mid 90's. Fronted by Gaahl, whom recently parted with Gorgoroth after eight years of working with them.
  15. Bitter Dawn

    Whats Instruments Do You Play?

    I just got a six piece Tama Rockstar in black a few days ago, with a handful of cymbals by Zildjian and Sabian, DW5000 kicks, DW hi-hat stand and DW maple snare. So I'm pretty excited.