Recent content by cent73

  1. cent73

    I've just discovered "AMARANTHE"

    He listened to Abyssoss => Chris Rehn made an Abyssos album => Kamelot's singer sings in Chris Rehn's new production > she's in another brand called Amaranthe. How on Earth have you come up with such a complicated way to say you like a chick? :goggly:
  2. cent73

    HELP! china sample needed

    @ xxpaul Error 403. Are you sure you made those files "public" for others to d/l?
  3. cent73


    I think you need to work a lot on EQ'ing the instruments. Low end is so muddy...
  4. cent73

    Super Heavy Deathcore! 5150+ENGL (LOOK!)

    Listening to the new mix... It's better balanced, IMO. I like how guitars and bass work, and how the vocals cut thru, but drums the kick and the toms are definitely too loud for me.
  5. cent73

    automating riffs along with big chords

    +1 to what Egan said. The chorus is usually a bit louder from the verse. A perfect example is New Skin by Incubus @ 2:45, where second part of the chorus gets even louder, and I think it was because of additional guitar tracks (can't hear well with this YT quality, and I don't have the CD on...
  6. cent73

    [Editing] Where is your position of Transient/Peak relative to the Click/Kick ?

    I think it's both an early scratch with the pick before the actual attack and a loose muting before the hitting the strings - actually not very difficult to play, IMHO. Of course then comes the editing which leaves the early part "before the grid"
  7. cent73

    Can you guys hear this, or is it just me?

    I'm sure you know about it, but in case... If the sound gets on your nerves, take a good EQ and surgically cut the offending frequency after singling it out with a sweeping technique. Simple as that and I do it all the time.
  8. cent73

    Quick question about gang vox processing

    I personally avoid setting up another project as much as possible. During this last mixing I've been doing the guys gave me 4 separate sessions (dr, bg, gtr, vox) which I had to combine. I hated it!
  9. cent73

    Circa Survive "Blue Sky Noise" 3 song stem download

    Processed tracks... not gonna bother with them, then. It's like checking out Guitar Hero MOOGs or something, fun for 5 minutes, then getiing back to real work.
  10. cent73

    Nice and funny Metal Chart !!

    This is so sig-worthy!
  11. cent73

    New look for LePou's LE456

    Truly excellent job. If only the woven background for the Legion controls was a bit darker, and perhaps just a little blurred, it would be easier to read the the labels for the buttons.
  12. cent73

    Darkadian WIP - new bits & solo now added

    Good idea! IMO yes, in relation to the snare. So it'd be easier to turn it down a bit. I think it is great. Not having head the first version, I like its sound as it is now.
  13. cent73

    modern fun latin funky bass shit.

    First, I think the songs needs some balance with the instruments. The bass, although it does sound great is too loud for my taste. The drums are definitely too loud with the HH at the end sounding a bit mechanical (I know it's tricky to get VSTi drums to sound realistic). The guitars could be...
  14. cent73

    Bass Level?

    The song and the mix rocks, the only thing I'd do is to go turn up/automate the vocal in some sections. There's a couple of places where it gets barely audible (eg. 2:38, 2:49) The only thing I don't like is the mastering - it clips and is crushed to hell and back, no dynamics whatsoever. Just...
  15. cent73

    Darkadian WIP - new bits & solo now added

    I personally prefer the snare to be a tad quieter - the guitars and the vox, especially come up front better. Now, I have a question about the solos, have you automated the rhythm guitars down? Because I think they could be a little behind the solo.