Recent content by CJWall

  1. CJWall

    Vocal Tracking Help (SM7b,Brick,RNC)

    As long as they're not clipping, you're all good. what they 'look like' is kind of irrelevant. If you're just doing mic > pre and added compression and EQ later through a plug or whatever, your waveform will look pretty dynamic, but, it should, because that's what vocals are. It's up to you...
  2. CJWall

    more Rise, with some killer guests...

    alll of your newest mixes continue to blow me away. so much depth in the sound. you really have a way of bringing across a sense of passion in the bands you mix. bravo mr. Murphy
  3. CJWall

    DI boxes

    i was just going to ask the same question! haha, i'd really like the Radial J48 but I wasn't sure what any other more affordable alternatives would be.
  4. CJWall

    New Old DIRGE

    beautiful drums! :) what'd you re-amp with?
  5. CJWall

    Toontrack Superior Drummer 2.0 Video

    Some type of Hart kit I believe. This sounds fucking INCREDIBLE though. Listen to those fucking ROOMS!!!
  6. CJWall

    Blacker than the blackest black.... x INFINITY!!!

    you're the fucking man James =) i now load up a few different tracks of yours when i'm mastering just for reference on overall levels and frequency response. keep inspiring us. and to all the people fucking with James, please stop. this is exactly the reason no one of great stature posts...
  7. CJWall

    Mesa Single Recto, Maxon OD-808, 57

    mytek clip sounds a bit bigger but the tone is wayyy meaner on the first clip.
  8. CJWall

    Augmenting Weak Vocal Screams... help?

    1176 is great for this (whether it be URS' variation in the URS CS Pro or UAD, or even a real one! imagine that, lol). fast attack, mess with release and 20:1. ahhhh heaven
  9. CJWall

    check my new song! death-core - podxt - dfhs

    amazing song yes, fucking superb. bad mix though. it's dudes like you who REALLY need a proper producer to help them out. this is perfect just for a demo but i'd hate to see your songwriting go to shit because you're trying to engineer your own shit as well...just keep focusing on your...
  10. CJWall


    Gotta love Florida :lol: I bitch when it's 60 degress out and I have to go running, haha.
  11. CJWall


    I'm in the process of getting 'cut' at the moment. What I've done is a combo of the correct supplements, CUTTING THE FUCK OUT OF MY CARB INTAKE, and getting around 30-40 minutes of medium-impact cardio 6 - 7 days a week (usually around 3 miles a day) and I lift weights just a bit before every...
  12. CJWall

    New Meshuggah track available

    my favorite Mesh CD by fucking FAR. was rocking it in the car all day and it's amazingly punishing and beautiful at the same time. :notworthy
  13. CJWall

    Mesa Standard vs Marshall 1960BV CABINET SHOOTOUT

    lol. was obscuring your 5150 settings completely necessary? hahaha. i find that too funny. Anyways, I'm hearing the Mesa to sit in the mix way better than the marshall. Solo'd I'd choose the Marshall for it's bite but it's too much in to the mix. I can imagine it fighting with the...
  14. CJWall

    FS: KRK RP5 Monitors (PAIR) - $190

    Someone please buy these! Mint in the boxes. Buyer pays shipping! Cheers, Charles J
  15. CJWall

    death metal! dual rectifier/6505+ breeutalness

    i loved that about it =) makes my testosterone run thiiiiick. yes, i'm a sucker for tough-guy death metal