

Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
So we've had a "engineer's food" thread, which we spilled our guts about what we eat. Naturally, lots of us spend much time in front of the computer on our asses. Has anyone noticed their weight catching up on them? I've been skinny forever, but increasing my time in front of the screen, I've noticed my gut size is increasing! Nothing horrible, but I need to change the diet some.

Planning on: Cutting out unnecessary snacks, NO crazy meals after 7pm, eating more fish, confining major fats to nuts, etc. Also some exercise, which I haven't gotten much since high school. :lol: I figure some jogging or an eliptical machine will do the trick.

Anyone considered dieting after becoming sedentary from their job? Or do you guys make it a point to get enough exercise and eat right?

Running will definately help a lot, do 2 miles or so before you go to work and you'll feel about 100x better and be more focused too.
I'm hooked on this ultrametabolism diet thing. Every so often, I restrict to no dairy, no wheat/gluten, no sugar, no potatoes/tomatoes/peppers, or corn. In between, it's very little wheat/gluten, some corn, some potatoes/tomatoes/peppers, and almost no sugar. I modified it some to be more indigenous (added wild rice, local wild fruits/veggies and game).

Been that way for a few months. I lost like 15 pounds.

I exercise some. Not regularly, but a couple times a week at least. And I walk most places.
My doctor stuck me on a diet last week, after a blood test indicated that my cholesterol was high. Terrible genes (thanks Mom+Dad), literally no exercise besides walking between classes, and a diet composed of 90% breads and starches and 10% dairy products apparently aren't a good combo.

So now it's no breads, sugars, and as little fat as possible, and a good 3-4 miles daily on a treadmill. I've lost 7-8 pounds since last Tuesday, so I suppose it's working... but my god, I feel like I haven't eaten a solid bit of food in ages. I have the most intense cravings for weird shit like tortilla chips and peanut butter. :(

Buuut I need to lose the weight, and I need to get on a regular exercise program. I've not 'worked out,' so to speak, since I stopped wrestling 3 years ago.
god i love my fast soon as it goes im gona be one fat ass fucker.
It doesn't matter if you eat after 7pm or not, totally depends on your day rhythm.
Just move your ass a couple of minutes each day, make little breaks between your PC sessions, maybe every 2 hours or so, that'll be good for your brain/eyes too.
I've started developing a gut.
so ive stopped the bacon sandwhiches - i had these for lunch every day, and started doing exercise again.
I walk around around 1h30 per day to go to my job, it is my workout !
Appart from that, nothin :p
My diet is : whatever it is eaten fast and nice, smells good and taste good, and that allows me to practise more guitar and read stuff here...
I'm in the process of getting 'cut' at the moment.

What I've done is a combo of the correct supplements, CUTTING THE FUCK OUT OF MY CARB INTAKE, and getting around 30-40 minutes of medium-impact cardio 6 - 7 days a week (usually around 3 miles a day) and I lift weights just a bit before every run. Push-ups, around 40 or 50 a day, in sets of 13. Whenever I'm feeling down. Practice this religiously.

I'm also using a thermogenic (google if you don't know), in ******ycut Hardcore. I take it an hour or so before my cardio sessions as it has tons of caffeine which raises pain tolerance and of course gives you more energy to push on.

I wasn't super heavy to begin with but I WAS overweight by about 15 lbs and had absolutely NO definition.

When I started this I was 195, 6"2. I now weigh 155 and get compliments like a bastard. My whole body is getting super toned from the cardio and I feel excellent.

I've done tons of research on this so PM if you'd like. Start your cardio out slow but make SURE to get at LEAST 10 minutes a day and NO MORE than 45 min.

I take the amino-acid L-Glutamine an hour before a cardio sessions and another dose immediately after to help with recovery (VERY IMPORTANT). It helps your body burn FAT instead of going for the muscle when it's low on energy, which tones you up big time.

Also 1 or 2 Whey Protein shakes a day. My diet consists of mostly boneless, skinless chicken breast, eggs, various cheeses, nuts and most any meats really.

Absolutely no breads, rice, etc in my diet to speak of. It's a bitch at first but I feel great.

Sorry for ranting. :headbang:
I've always been thin, and lately I've been gettin a gut too. I play drums and thats usually a good cardio exercise. I would LOVE to run everyday, but its been -2 degrees fahrenheit everyday for the past week.

My diet is shit. Mostly fast food and leftovers from my parents
I pride myself on my healthy lifestyle and figure, and I've done a lot of reading and experimentation on the subject. One of the most important things I can emphasize is that you don't need to be ridiculous with your diets - just make good choices. For example, cutting all carbs indiscriminately is unhealthy; whole grains are where it's at, so make sure to eat 100% whole wheat bread, brown rice, etc. That being said, though, protein should always have the higher proportion, so make sure to eat plenty of lean meat. Besides that, protein shakes are tits (but no more than one a day; better to get your nutrients from their naturally occurring sources), veggies are fantastic (but white rice, potatos, and corn are just total empty carbs), and fruits are good but because of their high sugar content should not be overdone.

Beyond that, you can still have sauces, just avoid the creamy ones - I make sandwiches with spicy mustard and a little light mayo (for tuna salad) all the time. And don't rule out McDonald's or other fast food if you're in a rush; just get two grilled chicken sandwiches and nothing else, then throw out the bread from one, and put its patty into the other sandwich, and wipe off all the mayo. Eating healthy really isn't very difficult!

As for exercise, I just do weight training, because I FUCKING HATE CARDIO ARRRGGHHHH. But I'm totally regular with my lifting, and that + diet keeps me healthy!
Oh yeah, and whole grain cereal FUCKING RULES for snacks; I love Kashi (even if it is a despicable hippy brand). Cottage Cheese and yogurt/fruit is my favorite late night snack too. And can't forget peanut butter and banana sandwiches! (just easy on the PB, and make it on 100% whole wheat bread!) Granny smith apples (higher pectin), yogurt ("Fage" fucking rules), etc.
I'm in the process of getting 'cut' at the moment.

What I've done is a combo of the correct supplements, CUTTING THE FUCK OUT OF MY CARB INTAKE, and getting around 30-40 minutes of medium-impact cardio 6 - 7 days a week (usually around 3 miles a day) and I lift weights just a bit before every run. Push-ups, around 40 or 50 a day, in sets of 13. Whenever I'm feeling down. Practice this religiously.

I'm also using a thermogenic (google if you don't know), in ******ycut Hardcore. I take it an hour or so before my cardio sessions as it has tons of caffeine which raises pain tolerance and of course gives you more energy to push on.

I wasn't super heavy to begin with but I WAS overweight by about 15 lbs and had absolutely NO definition.

When I started this I was 195, 6"2. I now weigh 155 and get compliments like a bastard. My whole body is getting super toned from the cardio and I feel excellent.

I've done tons of research on this so PM if you'd like. Start your cardio out slow but make SURE to get at LEAST 10 minutes a day and NO MORE than 45 min.

I take the amino-acid L-Glutamine an hour before a cardio sessions and another dose immediately after to help with recovery (VERY IMPORTANT). It helps your body burn FAT instead of going for the muscle when it's low on energy, which tones you up big time.

Also 1 or 2 Whey Protein shakes a day. My diet consists of mostly boneless, skinless chicken breast, eggs, various cheeses, nuts and most any meats really.

Absolutely no breads, rice, etc in my diet to speak of. It's a bitch at first but I feel great.

Sorry for ranting. :headbang:

Thanks for the insight!

Just a question, isn't a diet per definition just temporarily?
I mean... do you keep that up as long as you live or if not, how do you switch to a life without any protein shakes but also without gaining weight and keeping the muscles/definition and stuff?

However, sounds interesting, might give it a try.
Here's the deal for all you that wanna lose weight gain weight maintain weight.

You need to eat 5-6 small meals a day.
Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fats at every meal .
Unsaturated fats are you friend, and so are complex carbohydrates such as grains, fruits vegetabales etc. Protein is best in the form of skinless poultry and Fish.
Milk is cool if you can stomach it.
Eating shitty is no good no matter how hard you workout, and when you eat right I guarantee you you will be full all day.
Bitching about costs is retarded too, it's your body you should take care of it.

When you cut carbs you neeeeeeed to increase protein otherwise you'll look down one day and your muscles will be gone.
Your body uses the carbs and burns those for fuel so when they are not there it goes to muscle, Ketogenic diets such as these work well but to maintain their effeciciency you need to cycle it around don't just carb deplete instantly and chill like that till you lose all the weight you want cause Youll:
A -Quickly gain it back
B -Lose muscle as well.
C- Feel shitty,
D- It will take longer to lose the weight cause your body adapts to shit quickly.

Supps are not extremely necessary if you are just trying to lose some unwanted fat, however everyone should take a multivitamin, and I like to take omega3 and 6 to keep me cranking.

Excerise is also obviously really important, weight training three times a week or some form of cardiovascualr excersise during the week is cool. Don't skip days , don't really force yourself do do it either, you got to fit it in where you want to do it and know you can keep it up or you'll never get anywhere. Small goals along the way are also the way to go.
Trying to drop more than a few pounds a week is a recipe for EPIC fail. .

Drink water all day. It's a natural appetite supressent, I drink more than a gallon a day, and I fuckin love it.
Eating slowly = win as well.

So try all that on for size and it'll happen.
Do this for 10 days and you'd be amazed at what your body get's rid of... after that your matabalism will kick back in..

Master Cleanse

Did it for 10 days.. lost 15 pounds, and I've been able to eat crap again without noticing it right away.

NOTE: if you drink coffee/beer, or smoke cigarettes regularly.. you'll feel like you have the flu for the first few days while your body cleanses it's self.:puke: