Recent content by dani

  1. D

    vst2 vs vst3

    hey everyone, almost at a point where i can beta test some plugins, but i'm starting to worry about this now - who here has a vst3 capable host? steinberg no longer support vst2, they aren't making their SDK available for it anymore (although i'm sure i still have it somewhere). i assumed...
  2. D

    new GPU VST plugins

    aha, funding isn't what i need right now, just time..! thanks,
  3. D

    new GPU VST plugins

    EQs aren't very expensive on the CPU. having a GPU EQ is a necessary step however - i want to keep the data on the GPU for as long possible, get all the processing done before it comes back to the host. thanks,
  4. D

    new GPU VST plugins

    it's impossible, i'm afraid :( i'd need to work with the vendors that write the plugins, and even if that did somehow happen, they'd just ship a different product costing twice as much -_- thanks,
  5. D

    new GPU VST plugins

    interesting to hear. working on getting this GPU EQ ready, but i have a lot more than that in mind. as far as loading regular VSTs on to a GPU.. that isn't really something that can be done. at the core of it, the plugins have to be fundamentally different in the way they process audio...
  6. D

    new GPU VST plugins

    well, GPUs have got tons more compute power available than a CPU - if you can exploit it correctly. a lot of audio plugins aren't what you'd call data-parallel, which is required to get good performance.. i believe i may have solved some of these issues. also, they typically have a lot of RAM...
  7. D

    new GPU VST plugins

    hi all, i'm writing some new plugins that run on GPUs, i'd just like to know - would anyone be interested in such a thing? also, what GPU do you have in your DAW rig? thanks,
  8. D

    krank rev guitar tone help

    hi guys, working on a mix, going through re-amping now. what does everyone think? thanks,
  9. D

    The best way to achieve a mp3 file.

    the difference in mp3 converters is tenuous at best, although some people swear by them. the mp3 standard is well defined though.. so there isn't that much room for headroom. sorry to nitpick, but ogg is not loss less :P besides, if it was lossless, then by definition it must sound exactly...
  10. D

    The best way to achieve a mp3 file.

    very interesting pictures there, was cool to see what effect different encoding schemes had on sound. that said, it's a very artificial test, and these images don't exactly relate to what sounds best (although one would hope closer to the source image => better, it may not be the case) and i'm...
  11. D

    The best way to achieve a mp3 file.

    the LAME encoder is considered the best, and works on all platforms (although it's via the command line). thanks,
  12. D

    CUBASE question?? "Recording too many tracks at once??"

    how many tracks are you recording (exactly)? sample rate? bit depth? what is your audio interface? how do you connect your interface? PCI? USB? Firewire? what hard drive are you using? how does it connect SATA/IDE/SAS/USB/Firewire? are you using a raid card? have you got a screenshot of the...
  13. D

    new Structures album

    i think structures are taking a "haters gonna hate" approach towards clipping. which is a shame because although i "get it", it still sounds crap. having heard the unclipped version re-enforces that view on me.. bleh. it's still a good album though, and i don't think i can stop listening to it...
  14. D

    Insane guitar tracking experience

    i've had it happen once with a really good bass player. he (ironically) had fucked up a part, and he was playing along with his old take, punched him in just before his mistake, and when i went to edit them together, near identical wave form. i was impressed.
  15. D

    Finally my best mix yet! Deathcore mix!

    the kick is really boomy and strange, it sounds like the reverb you have on the kick and the snare are just way too much. guitar tone seems alright, if not a bit a harsh, and your DIs might be slightly over edited (mutes can be a bit too sudden) other than that you're doing not too badly...