Recent content by Demonic_Figure

  1. Demonic_Figure

    What would you do with a million dollars?

    First I'd buy a house, and then hire Christopher Lowell to decorate it for me (you know, that gay guy on the Discovery Channel, he's damn good at decorating), and then I'd hire Opeth, Nevermore, Blind Guardian, Einherjer, and Phil Collins(even though he doesn't really fit in that list, he still...
  2. Demonic_Figure


    Are you an optimist or a pessimist? What is your reasoning for being one or the other? I'm a pessimist. I think that if you always expect the worst, you'll never be dissapointed. If you get your hopes all worked up, and it doesn't work out the way you *wanted* it to, you're in for a...
  3. Demonic_Figure

    Amon Amarth

    I had been hearing about Amon Amarth for a while, so I went to Media Play to see if they had any of their CDs, and they had Once sent... and the Crusher. Since Once Sent... had Martin Lopez, I bought it right then. I absolutley love that album!! The guitars are awesome, the drums of course...
  4. Demonic_Figure

    Pick Your Poison: A Poll

    Does anybody else have Chick-fil-A? I don't think I've ever seen one outside of Georgia. They only serve chicken, and it's actual real chicken. It's kind of expensive, but worth it. I wish we had White Castle here, but we have Krystal, about the same thing...
  5. Demonic_Figure

    computer games

    I have to stick with the game(s) that changed the face of computer gaming: DOOM and DOOM II. Without those, I daresay all your quakes and half-lifes and unreals and what-not would not be as good as they are. Don't get me wrong, all the Quakes are freakin' awesome, I love all of them. I've...
  6. Demonic_Figure

    Fav Simpsons quotes?

    I like Ralph. "...and the doctor said my nose wouldn't bleed so much if I stopped putting my finger in there." "My cat's breath smells like cat food." When all the kids get stuck on a desert island (a la Lord of the Flies) they get Ralph to try the berries and he says "It tastes like...
  7. Demonic_Figure

    Freedom for Sale

    About that fingerprint I.D. thing, down here in Georgia our left and right index finger prints are scanned and put in barcode form on the back of our driver's licensces. I don't know if they actually do anything with it, presumably they can scan it into the computer in the police car for quick...
  8. Demonic_Figure

    A question about Opeth live...

    One other thing that I found kind of funny was that Martin Lopez had to use Van Williams' (Nevermore) drums. It was wierd watching Martin play on a drum set that had Nevermore written all over it. I can understand why they did it though, because taking down and putting up a drumset is a bitch...
  9. Demonic_Figure

    A question about Opeth live...

    Yeah, I was at the Atlanta show too, and it was great. Before they came on the whole crowd was chanting OPETH! OPETH! OPETH! and I got chill bumps. Obviously they can't switch to acoustic guitars right in the middle of a song, but they switch to clean and it sounds pretty good. Mikael...
  10. Demonic_Figure

    Other Music

    I like Phil Collins/Genesis alot, Billy Joel, Elton John, Kansas is pretty good, alot of stuff from the 80's, Enya is awesome, I don't care what anybody says, early Michael Jackson, Run DMC, 311, Red Hot Chili Peppers, everybody should check out die Ärzte, a German punk band, they are the best...
  11. Demonic_Figure

    The Moor

    I've always wondered if The Moor has a double meaning. Obviously he means the swampy marsh/bog landscape, but could it also mean that the album takes place in medieval Spain, and he is actually a Moor? Not that it's important, I just think it's an interesting way to look at it, and it kind...
  12. Demonic_Figure

    Blind Guardian

    Thats a tough one... I really Like Imaginations..., but I also really like Somewhere Far Beyond. I think Somewhere... is closer to Nightfall. The Bard's Song is my favorite song on the album. Just buy all them. Thats the easy way out ;)
  13. Demonic_Figure

    Anime. anyone?

    My favorite anime ever has to be The Vision of Escaflowne. If you haven't seen it, rent it, buy it, steal it whatever. Just watch it. It's got fantasy, it's got big robots (they run on steam), it's got action, it's got intertwining love plots, and some of the most memorable characters, and...
  14. Demonic_Figure

    What is the ultimate musical experience?

    So far my ultimate musical experience was seeing Opeth and Nevermore, two of my favorite bands, playing live, right after each other. Having my favorite songs created right in front of me and singing along with Mike and then Warrel was a powerful experience. I'm getting that feeling just...
  15. Demonic_Figure

    Media Bullshit and stuff...

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure about the 99% thing. I don't expect 99% of Americans to be peace loving, because obviously America is made up of all kinds of different people. I daresay that 99% of Christians are peace loving, are they not? I'm also pretty sure that 99% of Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and...