Fav Simpsons quotes?

As Homer is being attacked by a swarm of bees he says, "Ah, they're defending themselves somehow!" :tickled:
I like Ralph.

"...and the doctor said my nose wouldn't bleed so much if I stopped putting my finger in there."

"My cat's breath smells like cat food."

When all the kids get stuck on a desert island (a la Lord of the Flies) they get Ralph to try the berries and he says "It tastes like burning!"

"I choo- choo- choose you!" (the valentine card Lisa gave him cause he didn't get any.)

Not really a Ralph quote, just a cool thing: A crazy bum on the street is talking like mad, all this crazy stuff and it sounds real cool, Ralph says something and Chief Wiggum says "Not right now, honey, daddy has to deal with the vagabond." or something along those lines. It's not funny, just the bum sounded so cool!

I love how every episode ends totally differently than they begin, too. Pure Genius.
Bart: "But dad, what if we don't find the alien?"

Homer: "Then we'll fake it, and sell it to the Fox Network, they'll buy anything."

My favourite part would be where Mr.Burns was trying to find someone to act as himself in his movie thing and he got people to audition... of course, Homer tried out as the part for Mr.Burns. BUT, instead of tapping his fingers together and saying, 'Excellent'.... he tapped his fingers together and said 'Exactly'...

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Ned Flanders: It cost us a bundle. I guess we'll have an imagination Christmas this year.

Rod and Tod: Yay, imagination Christmas!!
Originally posted by Oyo
No offense Opth, but you butchered that BAD. Let me correct you, I have wasted a considerable amount of time watching TV.

Alien: "It's a two party system, you'll have to vote for one of us!"
Man in crowd: "Well, I will vote for a third-party candidate!"
Alien: "Go ahead, THROW YOUR VOTE AWAY!"
(Ross Perot takes off his campaigning tophat, punches a hole in the top, and makes a disgruntled grunt.)

And yes, I have probably seen every episode five times :lol: :lol:

ohhh well thanks for the correction I hadn't seen that eposide in a long time and just remebered it was funny as hell
Did anyone (I'm sure!) see the Halloween Special they had on last night? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! :lol: Oh, man! There were so many good lines...can I remember one right now? NO! God no. Must have been Mary Jane. She stopped by when That 70's Show was on. Hey! My TV suggested it to me. Suggestive television. :loco:

You are getting sleeEEEEeeepy. :zzz: I don't know about you guys, but weed makes me so sleepy the next morning.
Yesterday I was bored, so I made a Homer Simpson movie with a helluva lot of clips from many, many episodes, featuring my favorite hero Homer. It was then I came upon an episode I hadn't seen ... and an incredibly funny moment in it...

I laughed 'til the tears flooded my cheeks...

it wasn't even a quote, just Homer being incredibly funny;

Homer's aunt has died, and the Simpsons are at an office where they are told they have inherited a (haunted) house.

Homer: sobbing, crying --woohoo ---, sobbing, weeping --woohoo--
oh my God I laughed...anybody else liking this moment?!
Originally posted by Metalmaster
Yesterday I was bored, so I made a Homer Simpson movie with a helluva lot of clips from many, many episodes, featuring my favorite hero Homer. It was then I came upon an episode I hadn't seen ... and an incredibly funny moment in it...

I laughed 'til the tears flooded my cheeks...

it wasn't even a quote, just Homer being incredibly funny;

Homer's aunt has died, and the Simpsons are at an office where they are told they have inherited a (haunted) house.

Homer: sobbing, crying --woohoo ---, sobbing, weeping --woohoo--
oh my God I laughed...anybody else liking this moment?!

do you mean its the one where they get 100$ each, but have to spend a night in the haunted house? and then you expect a episode about a haunted house, but its not :lol: , or are you talking about a completely different one?
Bart: 100 tacos for $100! I want that!
Lisa: I want to donate my money to the public broadcasting network!

Outside taco store Comic book guy has a wheelbarrow full of 100 tacos
Comic Book Guy: These tacos should be adequete substanance for the Star Trek Marathon. (don't think it was actually startrek)
France just launched a nuclear missle toward Sprinfield. Comic book guy is walking along the sidewalk reading a comic book.
Comic Book guy: Aquaman, you cannot marry wonderwoman! You live in the sea and she lives on land! (CBG looks up and sees the missle heading straight toward him) O, i've wasted my life.
Comic book guy is looking at porn and it's loading very slowly. An add for Homer's "internet company" pops up.
Comic Book Guy: Internet King, a, maybe he can provide me with faster porn. (calls homer) Yes, hello, I am interested in purchasing a Fiberoptic T1 line, I need to know if your ethernet token ring will be compatible with my PCI ethernet card.
Homer: Can you give me money now?
Comic book guy is trying to return a belt at the gadget store
Comic book guy: Yes, i'd like to return this quote-unquote ultimate belt.
Clerk: Do you have a receipt?
Comic book guy: No, I won it as a doorprize at the star trek convention. And I find their choice of beltsize HIGHLY illogical, as the average trekker has NO use for a medium size belt.
Clerk: WOAHhhh, a fat, sarcastic, startrek fan, you must be a real hit with the ladies.
Comic book guy: *sighs* I will return to my store where I dispense the insults rather than recieve them.
Ralph: That is sooooooo 1991.
Lisa has just formed a recycling company with Mr. Burns in the foyer. Homer and Bart overhear on the couch
Homer: Hey Bart, how come you aren't making any big-business deals?
Bart: I'll dooo ittt thissss affteerrnooooooonnn.
I liked the episode where bart broke his arm and wouldnt go to the hospital so lisa would get in trouble...Thats a kick.
My avatar is Homertrix-He is the one!-The one with the beer gut!