Fav Simpsons quotes?

Lisa is in the cafeteria lunchline shortly after complaining to Miss Hoover about her boring class.

Lisa: (to lunchlady Doris) I think you're required to provide us with
a vegetarian alternative.
Lunchylady Doris: Okie, here's a hamburger bun. It's full of bunny
Lisa: When did you lose your passion for your job?
********Lunchlady Doris pushes an unseen red button*******
Principally Skinner: (noticing a flashing light in office) Hmmm, that's
two independent thoughts in one day; the children
are overstimulated. Willy! Remove the colored chalk
from the classrooms!
Willy: I told you that chalk was forged by Lucifer himself!!!

hahahahah classic, my favorite!!!
How about the one where Homer is being initiated into the Stonecutters"

Homer: "Hey, every ritual is just you guys hitting me in the ass with paddles"

Head Stoncutter: "Now for the final ritual, the paddling of the swollen ass....with paddles"
(Bart and Lisa watching an old tv show)
Spaceman1: (Hands on neck) Space-air <choke> leaking in...
Spaceman2: Oh no! Everyone, put on your goggles!
(Spacemens put on omni-goggs, and begin breathing)
Spaceman3: Whats that?! <points out window>
Spaceman1: Ah! It's an evil SPACE MONSTER!
(Dog with helmet comes down on a rope)

Lisa: Thats just a dog in a space suit...
Homer (Looking towards sky): Oh cruel Lord, why hast thou forsaken me?!
Marge: Homer, that isn't our Lord, it's just a waffle Bart tossed up there.
(Camera pans up to show that Homer is looking at a waffle on the ceiling.)
Homer: Mmm, sacrilicious.
Homer to Bart: You can change your name to Homer Jr., and all your friends can call you HoJu!
Homer in a Lesbian bar (Lots of dykish women canoodling about):

Homer: Wait a minute....somethings bothering me about this place. I know! There's no fire escape in this lesbian bar!

He leaves, and on the way out says...
Homer: So long ladies, enjoy your deathtrap!
Some woman at the bar: (looks to woman next to her saying) What was her problem?
Not so much a quote but i was damn funny

Homers Daycare Episode.

Flanders: "Homer can you watch the kids tonight, we're going to a christian rock concert."

Then it shows the tickets and they say "Chris Rock"

then when flanders gets back he says: "I've never heard a preacher use the 'n' word so many times in my life"

That's fucking brilliant. :lol: