Fav Simpsons quotes?

How about this one:

When Apu tells the skywriter to write "I love you Mendula"(sp?) Homer sneaks aboard and after the "you" homer hits the smoke canister with a crowbar and it explodes, so it says "I love you *". Everybody's wife then sees it and tries to figure out a way that it refers to them. Chief Wiggam's wife looks up and says:

"I love you... Poppin' fresh!"
stone cutters episode --
"For thousands of years the stone cutters have crushed the stones of ignorance with the hammer of enlightenment...Now lets all get drunk and play ping pong"

When Homer becomes a boxer and fights a hobo--
"He's a hungry young fighter, in fact, tonight he is fighting for a sandwich"

X-files episode --
"I bring you love" says Burns..."He brought us love, quick, break his legs."

Krusty comeback episode 1 million--
Krusty speaking to Jay Leno "Jay you're a comedian...right? right? well answer me?"

Kletus on top of a telephone poll --
"Wow I can see my ma from up here. Hey ma! Get off 'da dang roof"

Homer working for Globex --
"Ahhh no, the Denver Broncos!" when Scorpio buys him a football team but Homer wanted the Dallas Cowboys

Lord of the Flies episode --
"Libya's main export is corn, which the native americans call 'maize'. In conclusion, Lybia is a land of contrast"

Homer's weight gain episode --
Bart on thinking about being a lardo on worker's comp like homer
"I wash myself with a rag on a stick"

Ok, I'm done
Homer walks in to go to the bathroom, begins to unzip his pants, realizes he is not alone, looks over and says, "Ohh, I'm sorry Bart, I didn't know you, Jay Leno, and a monkey were bathing a clown." :tickled:
little german kid: Dont make me run, im full of chocolate

Homer: "to continue, press any key. hmm... wheres the anykey?"

Homer cracks me up

homer : "didnt you hear marge... boo hoo... we have no bananas today... boohoo"

:lol: :lol: :D
Some more...

Barney: "You should only use alcohol to improve your social skills"


Ktoktoc: "How many times do we have to go to church to avoid Hell?"
Ack: "Every sunday for the rest of our lives."
Ktoktoc: "Hahaha! No, seriously. Tell me."

The Episode where the Simpsons' house was sinking. (I don't remember the exact lines)

Repair guy: You know, this situation could have been avoided if you just had bought some tape. It only costs 50 cents
Homer: I'm not falling for that one.
Repair guy: Look, I have some in my car. I'll give it to you for free.
Homer: Marge, get my gun.

Cletus' wife(?): Damn, why did you have to park in front of my parents?
Cletus: Be calm, honey. You know they're my parents too...

Futurama is great too:
They changed the name of Uranus because of all the jokes. Now it's called Urectum.
Originally posted by Katatonic289

Homer: "to continue, press any key. hmm... wheres the anykey?"

Well, my father asked me the very same question a couple of years ago - after he had passed his computer-course...

If I recall... correct me if I am wrong...

*Homer has gotten into collage and has his High School diploma hanging on the wall... Doesn't bother to take it down, just grabs a lighter and sets his High School diploma (still hanging on wall, mind you) alight and starts dancing around and singing whilst everything else catches alight inside the house...*

"I am so smart...! I am so smart...! S.M.R.T.... I mean... S.M.A.R.T!"

:lol: :D
Marge: where are you going with all those bowling balls?
Homer: well Marge, im not gonna lie to you...(quickly runs out the door)

and one of the ones i use the most

Marge: what have you done to the car?
Homer: just went out driving
Marge: im sure the car wasnt like that when you left
Homer: quit living in the past Marge

(anyway, i completely fucked up the last one, im sure i miss quoted it, anyway, who cares)
(Homer to Lisa): You wanted fruits, so eat your fruits !

(Homer to Marge): If you yell at me everytime I do something stupid, I'll stop doing stupid things.
(Marge to Homer): Fine
"Don't let Krusty's death get ya down boy, people die all the time; why, you could wake up dead tomorrow." --Homer

Marge: Bart, what is that you're making?
Bart: Snacks for Skinner's party. The flags are because he was in the war and, I reasoned that...he likes dog food.
Homer: Oh, fresh baked America Balls (begins to eat), Hmmm.

"If the sign says 'do not feed the bears', man - you better not feed the bears" - Homer
Chief Wiggums (spelling?): "Ah, that's some nice wreckless driving there, Mr. B."

How 'bout all the written laughs? Like the millions of chalkboard scribbles from Bart. Latest one I read was, "Nobody reads these anymore." Trucks driving by...DANGER: CREAMED CORN! or DANGER: HOT SOUP! Or how about the store TRY N SAVE with all the bulk items...tribe sized peanut butter...