Fav Simpsons quotes?


I cum Blood
Jul 26, 2001
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"SEX? I had sex once ... what's wrong with hearing your aged father talk about sex? ... Think of me when you're having the best sex of your life!"-Grampa ahah I love that one
What are some of yours?
hmn, to hard, i'll just say one thats on my mind,

Homer: what shall i do with all this dirty money
Lisa:well theres lots of needy children out there
Homer: what are you saying lisa? i need to buy a gun

Homer: If hes so great, why is he dead.

and what about the Carnie code

oh oh oh,

Scully: this is a lie detector test, it proves wright from wrong, do you understand?
Homer: Yes (machine explodes, i suppose that one works best when you see it)

Homer: i pay the Homer Tax
Lisa:um dad, thats the home owner tax

ok, i'll stop now
I think this one is pretty great:

Abe to Homer: On the way we can have a nice and long father-son-talk.
Homer to Abe: Good, I'll go and shoot myself for bringing this up.


Bart: "Christian rock? Everyone knows all the best bands worship Satan."

And also Homer's explanations to the rest of the family before sneaking out to the Duff brewery or "Don't look too sad, it's suspicious"
Aliens to Humans: "Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons!"

Barney (guzzling under beer tap): "Uh oh, my heart just stopped.
...ah, there it goes!" (resumes drinking)

Lawyer: "Isn't true that you have a tattoo on your chest that says "Die Bart Die?"
Sideshow Bob: "No... that's German for 'The Bart, the'".
Parole Judge: "No one who speaks German could be an evil man..."

(and, a classic)

Homer: "Hello. My name is Mr. Burns. I believe you have a package for me."
Some Guy: "Alright, Mr. Burns, what's your first name?"
Homer: "I don't know."
My favorite show and always a great thread, I was actually lol while reading all of your replies, okay here is mine...

"Now Lisa, if the bible has taught us anything, and it hasn't, it is that girls should stick to girly sports, like hot-oil mud wrestling, foxy boxy, and such and such."

...more to come.
Not so much a quote but i was damn funny

Homers Daycare Episode.

Flanders: "Homer can you watch the kids tonight, we're going to a christian rock concert."

Then it shows the tickets and they say "Chris Rock"

then when flanders gets back he says: "I've never heard a preacher use the 'n' word so many times in my life"
As was stated before it is impossible to pick a favorite, but here is what comes to mind right now,

"Well, he (the judge) has kind of had it in for me since I accidentally ran over his dog. Actually, replace accidentally with repeatedly, and replace dog with son." --Lionel Hutz (oh how I miss Phil Hartman :cry: )

"Mmmm, free goo." --Homer
Lisa explains the origins of Halloween, an Homer says "God bless those Pagans."

When Homer, Burns and Smithers go to Cuba, Burns says "So they say Bautista is gone."
Homer replies "I had no idea."
...And for once dad's butt actually STOPPED the flow of toxic gas!


From the episode where homer gets excessively fat, and gets stuck in the toxic-gas tank, saving the world.
Flanders: looks like we're having imagination Christmas this year
Rod & Tod: yay, i got a pogo stick, i got a hula hoop :lol: (only works if you've seen it, its the Leper one, like the leper affinity, only with Homer and Bart)
Homer: he he he why do peple away wait till the last minute to do there taxes why I payed my a year ago

Lisa: uhh dad that was last years taxes you have to pay this years

Homer: d'oh well we have to do them quick how many kids do we have no time to count I'll just put 12. . .

Aliens replayes Clinton and bush

Alien 1: arrr you discoved us

Alien 2: yeah well you only have 2 parties so you have to pick one of us as your leader

Al Gore: (lost in the crowd) What about me?!
No offense Opth, but you butchered that BAD. Let me correct you, I have wasted a considerable amount of time watching TV.

Alien: "It's a two party system, you'll have to vote for one of us!"
Man in crowd: "Well, I will vote for a third-party candidate!"
Alien: "Go ahead, THROW YOUR VOTE AWAY!"
(Ross Perot takes off his campaigning tophat, punches a hole in the top, and makes a disgruntled grunt.)

And yes, I have probably seen every episode five times :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Oyo
Alien: "It's a two party system, you'll have to vote for one of us!"
Man in crowd: "Well, I will vote for a third-party candidate!"
Alien: "Go ahead, THROW YOUR VOTE AWAY!"
(Ross Perot takes off his campaigning tophat, punches a hole in the top, and makes a disgruntled grunt.)

And yes, I have probably seen every episode five times :lol: :lol:
that's definitely a favorite episode of mine. I thought the halloween one that was on tonight was pretty good -- that little ornery irish leprechaun! :D and "hmmm...unexplained bacon..." :lol:

and from the past, "um...jeremy's iron?"
Yes, tonight's was great! That leprechaun was soo damn hilarious. I liked when Homer brought him to the Gypsy's in a little dog cage, then he openeed it as if it would bolt out and maul her. Then it was sleeping like a little puppy, and he pokes it and says "Wake up you little drunk!" Then it wakes up and attacks... then they get married and it has a classic pointless, stupid, simpsons ending :lol:
Marge: Look Homer, you've gotten too excited. Straight home with a few beers then bed.

Homer: Woohoo! Beer, beer, beer! Bed, bed, bed!

I still prefer some Futurama quotes:

"...And we will always be brought back to the classic battle between good and neutral.."