Fav Simpsons quotes?

The church sign on superbowl sunday "Every sunday is super sunday!"

The sign homer sees that says "Die", Homer screams, then the wind blows and you see the trees unobstruct the sign and it says "Diet" and Homer screams louder and runs off.

There are a lot of other written jokes that I can't remember the details to, I'm sure someone else will think of some. Let's keep this great thread going :D
(X-Files episode)

Creature: I bring you peace, I bring you looove
Willy: It's a monsterrrr, kill it, kill it!
Crowd charges at creature
Lisa: Stop, That's Mr. Burns!
Willy: Awww, it's Mrrr. Burrrrrns.. KILL IT!
Homer: "Ouuu.. twenty dollars? I wanted a peanut!"
Homer's brains: "Twenty dollars can buy many peanuts!"
Homer: "Explain how!"
Homer's brains: "Money can be exchanged for goods and services."
Homer: "Wooohooo!!!"
Can't stop laughing at that one.:lol:

All quotes from Homer with Mojo the helper monkey are extremely hilarious also. :D
Homer to Mr Burns :

"What are you going to do? Release the dogs or the bees or the dogs with the bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you??"

Homer's brain talking to Homer

Homers Brain :"Just sign the cheque and I'll release some more endorphines"
Homer: Aaahhhhh
As I Am a die-hard fan of The Simpsons , there are too many to quote .
I'd suggest the whole Treehouse Of Horror V : Pure Genius
The first 6-7 seasons are :OMG:
Most of the good ones have been done, however.....

Bart: Goooooooo ORANGE! :D

Millhouse: Goooooooo APPLE! :D

Ralph: Gooooooooo BANANA!! :D

.....Or however it went.
in the 'marge be not proud' episode, it opens up with the tv and its a "krusty kinda christmas" and lisa says

"isn't Krusty jewish?"
and bart replies
"oh Lisa... christmas is the time of year when people of all religions come together to worship Jesus Christ"
(Homer walks into a shop)

Homer: Do you sell toys?
Owner: We sell forbidden objects from places men fear to tread...we also sell frozen yogurt, which I call frogurt.

(Homer picks out a doll)

Owner: Take this doll, but beware for it carries a terrible curse.
Homer: Ooh, that's bad
Owner: But it comes with a free frogurt!
Homer: That's good
Owner: The frogurt is also cursed
Homer: That's bad
Owner: But you get your choice of topping!
Homer: That's good.
Owner: The toppings contain potassium benzoate (sp?)
Owner: That's bad.
same 'marge be not proud' ep... watching it right now hehe
Bart sees a sign to get "Bonestorm" for 99 cents, so he walks into the store, empties his pockets and asks to buy one.
bart: i want a copy of bonestorm, here's my 99 cents
comic book guy: ahh allow me to summarize the proposed transaction, you wish to purchase Bonestorm for 99 cents, that profit to me? -59 dollars *opens register* [mocking voice] oh oh please, take my 59 dollars, i don't want it, its yours![/mocking voice]

*bart reaches in to get the money*

comic book guy: eh eh!, seeing as we're unfamiliar with sarcasm, i will close the register at this point.

hehe, i just love the way he talks!
"Hello. I'm Leonard Nimoy. The following tale of alien encounters is true. And by true I mean false. It's all lies. But they're entertaining lies. And in the end, isn't that the real truth? The answer is no."
chaveta said:
same 'marge be not proud' ep... watching it right now hehe
Bart sees a sign to get "Bonestorm" for 99 cents, so he walks into the store, empties his pockets and asks to buy one.
bart: i want a copy of bonestorm, here's my 99 cents
comic book guy: ahh allow me to summarize the proposed transaction, you wish to purchase Bonestorm for 99 cents, that profit to me? -59 dollars *opens register* [mocking voice] oh oh please, take my 59 dollars, i don't want it, its yours![/mocking voice]

*bart reaches in to get the money*

comic book guy: eh eh!, seeing as we're unfamiliar with sarcasm, i will close the register at this point.

hehe, i just love the way he talks!

This is AWESOME .
Oyo said:
Homer cooking Mr. Burns breakfast, now that was hilarious. Everything he did caught on fire, EVERYTHING. The cereal caught on fire when he poured the milk in. He broke the microwave class, and put food on a stick inside and turned it on, catching him on fire.

HAHAHAHH that was the funniest thing ever
OK I have a lot of favorites off the top of my head, they might not be 100% accurate

Young Homer - "Food goes in here" <points at his mouth>

Ralph - "Me fail English? That's unpossible"

Chief Wiggum - "Uh, you have the wrong number, this is 9-1-'2'

Apu to Homer - "Please do not feed peanuts to my God"

Cletus when he won a new car - "Hey ma, no more sittin' in the dirt at the drive-in"

Rod and Todd singing "I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart, Where? Down in my heart..."

Abe - "I had se-ex"

Abe - "The lampshade's running away".

Willie - "Bon Jourrrrrrrrrrr, ya cheese eatin surrender monkeys"

Wiggum pointing at a pig "Ha ha, look at his nose". (same nose as his, get it?)

Wiggum - "OK folks, show's over. Nothing to see here, show's - Oh my God! A horribleplane crash! Hey everybody, get a load of this flaming wreckage! Come on crowd around, crowd around. Don't be shy, crowd around."

and so many more...
Suatana said:
Homer: "Ouuu.. twenty dollars? I wanted a peanut!"
Homer's brains: "Twenty dollars can buy many peanuts!"
Homer: "Explain how!"
Homer's brains: "Money can be exchanged for goods and services."
Homer: "Wooohooo!!!"
Can't stop laughing at that one.:lol:

All quotes from Homer with Mojo the helper monkey are extremely hilarious also. :D
ffanatic said:
(Homer walks into a shop)

Homer: Do you sell toys?
Owner: We sell forbidden objects from places men fear to tread...we also sell frozen yogurt, which I call frogurt.

(Homer picks out a doll)

Owner: Take this doll, but beware for it carries a terrible curse.
Homer: Ooh, that's bad
Owner: But it comes with a free frogurt!
Homer: That's good
Owner: The frogurt is also cursed
Homer: That's bad
Owner: But you get your choice of topping!
Homer: That's good.
Owner: The toppings contain potassium benzoate (sp?)
Owner: That's bad.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Those are fuckin great
My favourite quote is Ned Flanders reading a book to his kids (dunno if this is accurate)

Ned: "... and then Harry Potter and aaaaall of his friends were burned for using witchcraft!"
Kids: "Yaaaay burning!"
My favourite quote is Ned Flanders reading a book to his kids (dunno if this is accurate)

Ned: "... and then Harry Potter and aaaaall of his friends were burned for using witchcraft!"
Kids: "Yaaaay burning!"
hehe that was on tv tonight
saw this one not long ago either, i think its right
Bart: you saved us dad!
Homer: you can't prove i did it!