Recent content by FourFour

  1. FourFour

    My Latest Death Metal Mix

    Sounds good, man. I think the vocals are fighting with the guitars a little.
  2. FourFour

    First track recorded together as a band......need some feedback!

    Sounds really weird, like the phase is messed up from stereo widening or something.
  3. FourFour

    kurt ballouish, ex 2 pure to die singer, hardcore, real drums/amps

    Good stuff, dude. Definitely aggressive sounding and I think you've got that distorted kurt ballou vibe going on pretty good.
  4. FourFour

    Sharing My New song "Apotheosis" With Y'all Sneapsters (Hoping For Some Critiques)

    Thanks for listening. You're right about the snare, it's not really sitting where I want. Anyways thanks, the gtrs are about 85% lecto + a few mesa cab IRs. Then 15% Blackstar ht5 mic-ed with a 57 and 421 Processing: -tape saturation -buss comp -subtractive EQ efx: touch of reverb...
  5. FourFour

    Sharing My New song "Apotheosis" With Y'all Sneapsters (Hoping For Some Critiques)

    :wave:This song was an old chord progression I had lying around, so I decided to turn it into a fully produced song. Vocals and everything... Link: Check it out! I'll post details about the production if anybody is interested.
  6. FourFour

    Already have raw tracks bounced for this!

    Hope I'm not too late.
  7. FourFour

    Need Feedback On This Rock Mix (Real Everything)

    Sup, guys. Just need some critiques on this mix. Got the tracks from As far as I know, everything is real. Had a great time mixing this. Thanks!
  8. FourFour

    How's This Opeth Mix? Blackwater Park Clip

    Thanks for listening, guys. Very cool advice. I'm also hearing the kick pump the mix a little? Too much compression or is it just too much subs on the kick? About the messy mix vs tight kick issue. What do you guys suggest I do? I'm thinking of changing the envelope on the kick, give it a...
  9. FourFour

    How's This Opeth Mix? Blackwater Park Clip

    Hey all, just wanted to get some feedback on this new mix. Check it out, dudes.:wave:
  10. FourFour

    Couple Of Mixes For You To Rate (AB One Day Remains style)

    Hey dudes, I think this is pretty much one of my best mix so far. Just wanted to share with you guys, get some feedback and whatnot. So check it out: and
  11. FourFour

    FINALLY some fucking stems!

    Very cool song. Nice DIs too. Thanks for uploading the stems, bro. Check out my mix:
  12. FourFour

    New Ontolodox Clip "2011" check it out, dudes

    Thanks for listening, man. Now that you mention it, I think I know what you mean about the bass guitar. I'll check it out. Thanks for the advice.
  13. FourFour

    New Ontolodox Clip "2011" check it out, dudes

    Wrote something new recently, just a bunch of random riffs thrown together, heh.. Check it out, and rate my mix.:wave: Thanks! I'll share gear info if you guys are interested. Link:
  14. FourFour

    K, I got like 7 mixes for you guys to check out.

    Finally started using soundcloud. Anyways, here's a few mixtests/covers and whatnot that I've been working on on and off for about a month, including a few that were recorded by members of this forum. Ronixis' band- Nerve End, CannibalBarnes and aix. Thanks for the DIs and midi. So check...
  15. FourFour

    Icarus Lives! - Periphery Cover [DI's Inside]

    What?!? No... I'm using Le456. Is it that bad:lol:? Anyways, new mix. Using Lecto this time.