Recent content by guitarded88

  1. guitarded88

    Little Labs Redeye

    Selling my Little Labs Redeye. Hasn't been used in a while. Great little DI/Reamp. Looking for $170+ shipping.
  2. guitarded88

    Children of Bodom - Relentless Reckless Forever

    They definitely haven't fully redeemed themselves with this one. That said... HUGE step up from Blooddrunk.
  3. guitarded88

    New Maiden

    Oh man... hate for the new maiden?! I think the first two songs are the weakest and it gets better from then on. I'm loving Coming Home, Isle of Avalon, and when the wild wind blows. But TBH the whole album is great. It's like they took the best prog bits from AMOLAD and mashed it together...
  4. guitarded88

    Best DAW

    Dont you know all those bells and whistles just get in the way? If you want to be a real pro then all you need is Windows Sound Recorder.
  5. guitarded88

    Request for a Synth Tutorial

    Do people still run keyboards through guitar amps? I always heard that was a trick... I think Janne from Children of Bodom used a Big Muff or something.
  6. guitarded88

    Watch the THOR trailer before its taken down.

    I think we can at least all agree that Thor is the most METAL of the superheroes? edit: shit... I just realized iron man was made of metal. fuck this movie.
  7. guitarded88

    Today I tracked a girl that could actually play the guitar

    Girls' hands are small, and they don't need any talent to get laid.
  8. guitarded88

    amp sims-- lack of punchiness?

    Technique makes a much more drastic difference than u think. also... Les Pauls are kind of known for their fat chunkiness... and he's using Duncans. Not sure what the pick ups are in a PRS but they are definitely great guitars. Probably a little more versatile than the Gibson if you ask me...
  9. guitarded88

    IRON MAIDEN forums?

    :-/ I used to browse those froums back when they were free.
  10. guitarded88

    High/Low Pass Question

    Wish I could offer more help, but all I can say is the lower your tuning... the more challenges you’ll face with tone, EQ and Mixing. But when you can get it to work... :muahaha:
  11. guitarded88

    people over at rock band are getting sloppy

    never owned rock band but played guitar hero a few years ago. I think they gotta boost the bass... just to give player 2 some incentive to actually the bass. In certain songs it just blends too much and i guess to enjoy playing bass u gotta hear your actual note. I dunno just a thought...
  12. guitarded88

    does Audio Engineering experience ruin music-writing ability?

    Haha this thread is epicly reminiscing!
  13. guitarded88

    43 yr old teacher "digitally penetrates" 16 yr old student

    Heavy consumption of said shots can cause one's vision to blur and repeated falling over. But since you're so tanked you don't feel the pain.... thats a perfectly valid question for slashvanyoung :popcorn:
  14. guitarded88

    43 yr old teacher "digitally penetrates" 16 yr old student

    2oz (or more) of alcohol taken back quickly. Usually done to celebrate bro-hood or get a chick to drop her panties.
  15. guitarded88

    Asked to join a band

    It's what I do! Mind you I haven't really done all too much with my own music since I started... But I really like the music these guys play.