Recent content by HappyLittleBoozer

  1. HappyLittleBoozer

    Own Pictures

    Hey, just realised, whatever happened to that Welsh chick (I think she was Welsh. Although I don't know why I think that) at the Wolves gig? Katie recognised her from the forums and she took a photo of all of us, pretty sure it's the only one I managed to get in :p (and I was standing right next...
  2. HappyLittleBoozer


    I don't care what anyone fucking says, I'm GOING. To every fucking show.
  3. HappyLittleBoozer

    Wicked Bad News

    Well it's either that, or have them all yanked out by a really powerful magnet. Personally, I know which I'd prefer :D
  4. HappyLittleBoozer

    Apollo's eyes

    Maybe you should take up painting instead of drawing, hun? :p
  5. HappyLittleBoozer

    Went to my first concert yesterday...

    Best gig ever is easy. Edguy and Dragonforce in the Astoria.
  6. HappyLittleBoozer

    I'm Back Guys!

    I thought it was quieter around here lately... :p Erm, I mean, welcome back Kirst :D
  7. HappyLittleBoozer

    best, worst things of the day?

    Sorry to hear about your grandad :( But in lighter news, we must know: Did Nik manage to hold off on the "SHUT UP!" until *after* the female part this time? :p That was blatantly one of the best bits of BOA :p "Shut up! Er... shut up again!". That, and Dannee's epic kilt. Was he wearing the...
  8. HappyLittleBoozer

    Happy Birthday KatieForce!

    Happy Birthday KT! ¬_¬
  9. HappyLittleBoozer

    Apollo Has A 'Beautiful' Voice?

    So, whilst browsing the metal racks in the music stall at my local market, I came across a CD called 'Beautiful Voices'. On it were all the ones you'd expect (Tarja, new-Nightwish-chick, Simone Simmons, yadda yadda), and then the last one was a Firewind song. Can't remember which one, but I...
  10. HappyLittleBoozer

    Own Pictures

    I bet you could try. And if you fail, at least it'd be amusing ¬_¬ As for Bloodstock.. it's a sore point at the moment. Basically, I applied for that week off, but two other people in my department want the exact same week off and there are only four of us, so 3/4 of the staff obviously can't...
  11. HappyLittleBoozer

    best, worst things of the day?

    Best: Secured our new rented house down in sunny Exmouth. Worst: Found out how much said house was going to cost :( The actual rent is fine, it's just the lump-sum to get us going that's going to hurt. £150 admin fee (which might sound a lot, and certainly isn't cheap, but is about average...
  12. HappyLittleBoozer

    Own Pictures

    LJ is pretty hot, but clearly Katie wins :P Of course, I've had the privilege of actually meeting Katie, which might've skewed things a bit :p
  13. HappyLittleBoozer

    best, worst things of the day?

    You ran it faster than last year with a fractured collar bone and rib? Christ, what did you fracture LAST year? :p
  14. HappyLittleBoozer

    Say something nice about the person above you

    ^ Needs her eyes testing. Either that, or a refresher course on 'flattery'. I know the topic says 'say something nice', but that's a lot nicer than "you look like Jens Johansson". :P
  15. HappyLittleBoozer

    What are you listening to?

    You haven't seen him in just a cowboy hat and leather trousers ;) Black ones, unfortunately. He's not quite Gus G. yet.