Recent content by Heretic _Princess

  1. Heretic _Princess

    I approve of guns and nudity, but I don't approve of this...

    This is so fucking stupid.....
  2. Heretic _Princess

    Who's the best female singer?

    Dana - Demonic Christ and Cadaveria
  3. Heretic _Princess

    BEHOLD THE FUTURE! (The old Digiorgio Picture)

    We got drunk when I met him....maybe that's why he was nice to me.
  4. Heretic _Princess

    BEHOLD THE FUTURE! (The old Digiorgio Picture)

    I did find him atractive without the beard, even had a little crush on him...maybe because he charmed me when I met him:blush:. But he's still my favorite with or without the beard.
  5. Heretic _Princess

    BEHOLD THE FUTURE! (The old Digiorgio Picture)

    He should get rid of the beard (hate facial hair)....he's cuter without it
  6. Heretic _Princess

    what have you been listening to lately?

    In Flames - Reroute to Remain
  7. Heretic _Princess

    Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

    I was just playin around with pics and I'm decided to post one....I bored that's all
  8. Heretic _Princess

    What the HELL are you DOING?

    I'm at work pretending to work and listening to Type O
  9. Heretic _Princess

    Bitch about your life here.

    - I'm bored at work - my back hurt from sitting all fucking day - I missed the In Flames show (very pissed off!!) - I'm going to the doctor next week for a fucking pap test YAY!! - one of my girlfriend learned that she might have cancer - it sucks - I'm always in a bad mood!
  10. Heretic _Princess

    What album are you listening to right now?

    In Flames - Reroute to Remain
  11. Heretic _Princess

    So Cute

    no! but I would love to see it
  12. Heretic _Princess

    What is gayer?

    Threads about Threads that are bad your thread was not in the list
  13. Heretic _Princess

    The new Kovenant

    Its actually Nexus Polaris but anyways........I like Nexus and Animatronic but the last one really suck
  14. Heretic _Princess


    well that's not hard....TESTAMENT
  15. Heretic _Princess


    Jealous you wish you had boots like mine!!!