Recent content by kingrobra

  1. K

    Pop mix

    thanks for the feedback guys. really appreciate it. I'll cut down the intro, rework the string section, see what i can do about the reverb/ambience issue. And yes, i need some pop vocals.... unfortunately I can't sing lol.
  2. K

    Pop mix Drums all programmed in EZ-Drummer. Guitars podxt. Bass = pitch shifted guitar. Reason samples for strings. Feedback?
  3. K

    Recording interface for $300

    He's currently running Cubase. He's alright with switching over to PT, but he'd prefer sticking with Cubase since he already knows it. He only plans to record one instrument at a time, so 1 pre is enough. And anyone heard about the Focusrite Saffire LE?
  4. K

    Recording interface for $300

    Hey guys, A friend of mine is planning to buy a recording interface for his laptop. He's willing to spend up to $400, but preferably around $300. What would you guys recommend? Presonus Firebox? Mbox 2 Mini? Something else? Has anyone heard about about the Lexicon Lamda or Native Instruments...
  5. K

    Headphone amp?

    I was wondering what my options are for using headphones with my current set up. I just recently got Tapco S5 monitors. Before I used to use my PC speakers which had a headphone jack. Problem is since Im not using my PC speakers anymore, headphones are no longer an option. So far, the most...
  6. K

    New song --> rate mix please

    There's a pitch-shifted guitar... lol It was really standing out in the mix before but I guess i must have completely killed it off eh?
  7. K

    New song --> rate mix please Song is called Amor Fati. I'm still having problems gettin everything to sit properly. And I think i compressed it a bit too much?
  8. K

    Rate my mix please

    Recorded this song for my cousin's art exhibition on Chinese history. She gave me sheet music to this ooold old song and wanted me to do a modern sounding version of it. Its not metal by any means but.... I tried to make it more rock/punkish I guess. It's called Chinese Firecracker...
  9. K

    rate my mix =) Hifi to stream. :rock:
  10. K

    OD pedal boost for 5150

    I have a DS-1, and it sounds.... way too fizzy infront of my 5150. Any difference between the OD808 and OD-9 tonewise? The OD-9 is more expensive, and i think they use the same JRC whatever tubescreamer chip. All i see in the specs that makes it different is that the OD-9 has true bypass...
  11. K

    OD pedal boost for 5150

    Considering the following... Fulltone Fulldrive2, Fulltone OCD, Maxon OD808, Maxon OD-9, Visual Sound Route 66, and Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive. What would you recommend to infront of a 5150? I hear a lot about using tubescreamers and the sort infront of Dual Rectos and 5150's.
  12. K

    First post / new song

    Alright I've remixed and uploaded it again. Tried to put the kick drum more into the mix. Not sure if I did it successfully.... I panned the guitar tracks out slightly differently too.
  13. K

    First post / new song

    hehe I did use double tracking for the distorted rhythm tracks. Tracked twice (copy/paste) panned hard left and right. And then with a different amp model I tracked a second take (not copy/pasted) and let it sit in the middle. Maybe I should double up the second take and pan it too?
  14. K

    First post / new song

    My first post here. I've recently discovered this forum. Been mostly reading threads and trying to learn the art of mixing :goggly: Just finished writing/recording a new song entitled A Murder Scene. Check it out. Used a...