First post / new song


New Metal Member
Sep 17, 2006
My first post here. I've recently discovered this forum. Been mostly reading threads and trying to learn the art of mixing :loco:

Just finished writing/recording a new song entitled A Murder Scene. Check it out.

Used a podxt for guitar/bass and EZ Drummer for drum samples. Didn't use any of the EZ Drummer midi patterns though, programmed it all myself :p

I'm hoping to get some feedback on the mix. I'm still pretty noob, but I've been trying to learn/improve lol.
Sounds pretty cool, I liked it. Seems like you did a nice mix! I would bring the kick up a little though and work on bass/kick interaction. The only thing that I thought could of been better was the drum programming itself. It seemed like in certain sections the drum parts could of gone with the song more. Just my opinion though, if you dig it that's all that matters anyways.
Sounds pretty good man! Just one advice: Track atleast two guitar tracks panned left and right. Since you have a good tone IMO it would sound far better if you track it twice and pan it left and right. Other than that i think it sounds good :)
agree with mr oguz.

ALWAYS double track... adds a good thick tone to it.

personally, I like two separate takes for double tracking. Some people copy and paste, but I like the "humanity" of two takes.

Also, having a slightly different tone on the second take (neck instead of bridge, different amp, etc). sometimes makes a big difference.

I did use double tracking for the distorted rhythm tracks. Tracked twice (copy/paste) panned hard left and right. And then with a different amp model I tracked a second take (not copy/pasted) and let it sit in the middle.

Maybe I should double up the second take and pan it too?
kingrobra said:

I did use double tracking for the distorted rhythm tracks. Tracked twice (copy/paste) panned hard left and right. And then with a different amp model I tracked a second take (not copy/pasted) and let it sit in the middle.

Maybe I should double up the second take and pan it too?

Copying one take and panning it left and right is the same as a single track centered.
tricil said:
agree with mr oguz.

It's the first time i'm being called mr. :lol:

But anyways, it sounds better already. Never forget to do that, you always have to record to separate takes and pan them left and right. You can also quadruple track it, but just stick to double for now :)