Recent content by Lex

  1. Lex

    Mechanical Poet (2006) "CT4FC"

    Dear dudes and dudettes, hello from Moscow (RU)! :goggly: Just want to say thank you to everyone who supported us and didn't want to believe in MechPoet's death. We actually didn't die. We just couldn't let it die. So we're still alive and rockin'. :rock: And some new poems are on the way ;) A...
  2. Lex

    Mechanical Poet is no more (or not - UPDATE!)

    Yep, that's it man. But it doesn't mean the ultimate end of HarryPotterCore. ;) More weird and creepy things are to come from this side: :wave:
  3. Lex

    Brand new Aural WEBSTORE online now

    Everything is great except two little things. ;) Lee Nicholson is not Lee Nichols. And MechPoet official website is, not :wave:
  4. Lex

    Mechanical Poet - "Woodland Prattlers" REVIEWS

    :guh: You mean THIS is a review? :holding_a_revolver_against_the_head:
  5. Lex

    CONTEST: vote for the best cover artwork and Win our cds!

    Atrox. With all due respect to other bands I must say that it's the only cover that might attract my attention in a music store. Very unusual. Negura and BUTA are also very stylish but not so original... MechPoet seems to be an Aural band, Ben :)
  6. Lex

    Mechanical Poet - "Woodland Prattlers" REVIEWS

    Hey mates, could you please scan and post here these reviews if they're in English? :wave: Russia will never forget your sacrifices.:cool:
  7. Lex

    Mechanical Poet - "Woodland Prattlers" REVIEWS

    Phew... too many reviews in Italian... Babelfish sucks... :ill: BTW here is one from the States. Boasting of an impressively ambitious task of combining several varied and incongruent genres of music together, Mechanical Poet has...
  8. Lex

    Mechanical Poet - "Woodland Prattlers" REVIEWS

    Emi, what countries are these magazines from?
  9. Lex

    Mechanical Poet - "Woodland Prattlers" REVIEWS

    Wow! :cool: Is it a well known Radio?
  10. Lex

    a new signing on the way...

    Meantime the week slowly comes to an end. C'mon Emi, reveal the secret! :wave:
  11. Lex

    Mechanical Poet - "Woodland Prattlers" REVIEWS

    It's just a title - nothing more, nothing less. We needed a name for our band and chose this one. First we liked how it sounded. Second, it didn't have any exact meaning and it was cool, because everyone could imagine everything he wanted. It's like a buddhistic koan, which has a lot of meanings...
  12. Lex

    Mechanical Poet - "Woodland Prattlers" REVIEWS

    No, Emi. The Russian reviews usually appear after the release. :) Yes, that's me. 33,33333...mechanical % :grin: Thank you so much for the appreciation! :blush: I really don't care for reviews of any kind of hatred when I see people liking what we do.
  13. Lex

    Mechanical Poet - "Woodland Prattlers" REVIEWS

    Me too, but I'm still curious, what can these sneering britons write. :Smokedev:
  14. Lex

    Mechanical Poet - "Woodland Prattlers" REVIEWS

    :err: ...Waiting...waiting... What about Terrorizer, Kerrang, RockHard... Legacy and Orkus maybe :grin: Did they get the promos?
  15. Lex

    Mechanical Poet - "Woodland Prattlers" REVIEWS MECHANICAL POET -Woodland Prattlers (Aural Music/Season Of Mist) - 01/12/2004 @ 10h42 On ne compte plus le nombre de formations, en provenance des pays situés en Europe de l’est et plus...