Recent content by Machinehead625

  1. Machinehead625

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Yeah it's got a few good songs, but it can't spit shine Leviathan's shoes. Shame they wasted the coolest creature ever on a meh album.
  2. Machinehead625

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    It's actually not high on my list music-wise, but I just think this guy on the cover is the greatest thing ever :Spin:
  3. Machinehead625

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Still, kicking my ass a year after release :worship:
  4. Machinehead625

    Death Metal

    What's some new stuff you guys would recommend for an old school fan? Obituary, Autopsy, Morbid Angel, and the like....
  5. Machinehead625

    Controversial opinions on metal

    How can you hate on :eek:
  6. Machinehead625

    Controversial opinions on metal

    I can't believe we're discussing proper English in a metal forum. I'm a fucking English major and I'm disgusted by this.
  7. Machinehead625

    Songs currently kicking your ass.

    So br00tal :kickass:
  8. Machinehead625

    Controversial opinions on metal

    While we're on controversial opinions, I think 95% of those septic orgasm gore bands suck ass and they all sound exactly the same. Bands like Autopsy and Obituary can write brutal lyrics and still write skillful, interesting, and original music.
  9. Machinehead625

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Absolutely loved it. Thanks for sharing :kickass:
  10. Machinehead625

    Songs currently kicking your ass.

    The first album is an acquired taste but I like the intro riff in this one. bXbTtU252yM&ob And of course you can't beat the Second Heartbeat riff. Very energetic.
  11. Machinehead625

    Songs currently kicking your ass.

    Alright let's just get this out of the way. I don't give a flying green shit what anyone says about this band, this song has been beating the life out of me everyday since it came out and that was 6 and half years ago. Probably my all time favorite...ever.
  12. Machinehead625

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    lol I was like half-joking when I made that album font comment. I didn't mean to make this big mess :lol: Anyway, how about some Battlecorss? I found them exactly two days ago and it's been a whirlwind romance.
  13. Machinehead625

    Tony Iommi Has Cancer

    Jesus man, that sucks. Kick some ass Tony, we're all behind you! :kickass:
  14. Machinehead625

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    If you don't know the band it looks like a pile of compost. Once you know their name it's clear as day.