Controversial opinions on metal

Le this.

I can't stand the idea of digging something just because it's "super br00tal" and "too heavy 4 yew". I've come across that sort of mentality quite a bit recently while talking to people (in adults over 24 - "lol, you don't like ShitFuckBowels? you're not hc enuff for them then lolol") and I just don't understand it. I don't think this is even a controversial opinion but for some reason this has been highlighted for me recently and is proper getting my goat!

While we're on controversial opinions, I think 95% of those septic orgasm gore bands suck ass and they all sound exactly the same.

Bands like Autopsy and Obituary can write brutal lyrics and still write skillful, interesting, and original music.
Since I've been getting into Alice in Chains I've been thinking a lot as well as mourning the final years of Layne Staley, but even considering that I still feel musically....

The God Machine > Alice in Chains (both of which had band members that passed away too soon btw)

oh ya and metallica STILL sucks
It's actually perfectly proper english.

no, idioms are NOT proper english. i.e. I left the car running.

running is an idiom, it doesn't actually mean running here - it means the car is idling. when it's used in a way such as "is your refridgerator running" it doesn't mean the refridgerator is running, it means it's working properly.

using an idiom is NOT proper english - and if you think about what that word actually means and repeat the sentence it makes alot less sense.

I admitted to not knowing that was a phrase - and you'd rather try to push the subject that you're not as familiar with as you should be.
Actually, why don't you drag your ass out the door and come back only when you've learned to play nice with others.

Fucking no need to be a goddamn cunt.
a philosophical theory or idea of what is aesthetically valid at a given time and place

For example, corpse paint is a tired aesthetic in black metal. The sooner you move past this conversation the less stupid you'll end up appearing. "the same tired aesthetic" is not an idiom, and an idiom is not broken english.

The previous page is the third hit in that Google search. :cool:

But it is a common phrase.

no, idioms are NOT proper english. i.e. I left the car running.

running is an idiom, it doesn't actually mean running here - it means the car is idling. when it's used in a way such as "is your refridgerator running" it doesn't mean the refridgerator is running, it means it's working properly.

using an idiom is NOT proper english - and if you think about what that word actually means and repeat the sentence it makes alot less sense.

I admitted to not knowing that was a phrase - and you'd rather try to push the subject that you're not as familiar with as you should be.

"i.e." actually means "that is," which isn't what you're looking for in this instance. You want "e.g."; or, "for example."
a philosophical theory or idea of what is aesthetically valid at a given time and place

For example, corpse paint is a tired aesthetic in black metal. The sooner you move past this conversation the less stupid you'll end up appearing. "the same tired aesthetic" is not an idiom, and an idiom is not broken english.

idiom is not proper english... if you took idioms and removed their meaning then the sentences containing them would make no sense. how can you argue that? an idiom is SLANG in the first place.

and I'm proud you can google the meaning of the word, show's you're into underground trv3 gr4mm3r
Because drumming is about being interesting... because the actual sound that a band produces has no value, only wether each instrument is playing something cool.

turns out - black metal that's just minor chords strummed really fast must suck because they aren't noodling during every song...

/sarcasm off.

it's about the music... it's about creating and atmosphere - not pleasing yourself as a drummer/guitarist/keyboardist.

80 percent of black metal is seriously musically tarded. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to shit on it.
Since I've been getting into Alice in Chains I've been thinking a lot as well as mourning the final years of Layne Staley, but even considering that I still feel musically....

The God Machine > Alice in Chains (both of which had band members that passed away too soon btw)

I cannot stand The God Machine. With BNRMetal and others worshiping them as a godly and forgotten band of 90's alternative/grunge I had high expectations, but ugh. Maybe it's a case where my lack of musical education prevents me from hearing their brilliant musical subtlety, but they sound so repetitious to me. And their singer sounds like the Jane's Addiction guy, who I don't mind in that band, but if you're going to play gloomy minimalist alt-rock get a different fucking singer.

EDIT: Oh, and Alice in Chains is one of the greatest things ever.
EDIT: Oh, and Alice in Chains is one of the greatest things ever.

It can be if somebody just started listening to Rock, and never gotten into Heavy Metal, high quality music or some sort of. I mean, I completely respect the guy's death but no need to overshoot the shit out of a rather repetitive, mainstream Grunge group just because the guy died.
I can't believe we're discussing proper English in a metal forum. I'm a fucking English major and I'm disgusted by this.