Controversial opinions on metal

All I know is that no one else was writing songs like Freezing Moon in 1990. Varg was in some shit thrash band, Darkthrone was a fairly ordinary death metal band, and while Snorre contributed to the songwriting of DMDS, he wasn't a member of the band yet either.
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I’ll give him the pioneering claim...I honestly think they were involved in some fruity shit- I’m guessing Vikernes and Snorre we’re lovers of some sort...who knows what went on but Euro was found in his tighty-whiteys and Snorre was so bugged out he couldn’t talk. I bet Snorre caught Euro and Varg in some lovers trist and killed Euro himself- Varg gets his wish of winning the evil-off...sounds like a crime of passion
If they were all gay for each other, the make up and church burnings totally make a lot more sense...I normally wouldn’t be getting on about something so hammered on already but an argument with a buddy raised the question
Ildjarn was the best Norwegian musician because he immediately disregarded the 1990s Helvete scene because he thought that Satanism was pretentious, and then he made garage punk black metal instead of joining Emperor with his friends and making carnival music.
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fwiw I wrote that as a spur-of-the-moment rant, mostly because SSOASS was the highest-rated album on M-A at the time and I thought it deserved to be knocked down a peg, and because I had been arguing over that album for years at that point so it was really easy to whip my hot takes into a cohesive suite of critique. My negative feelings towards the album are fairly muted now, but it's still a pretty boring album compared to the first six.

I have no idea what a "quiet quasi-acoustic melody played quickly" is supposed to mean though.
It's not one of their better albums but it's the last one I really like a lot. I prefer it to Somewhere in Time, at least.
True on both, but the late 80’s into the 90’s Metal had some serious guitar talent...Euronymous was a horrible guitarist by comparison, I think his leads easily topple C.C. Devilles’ title for worst solo ever. His songwriting style fit the intended outcome but the word ‘talent’ is a stretch. The Black Metal scene was just a different spin on depressed kids similar to a Norwegian version of Cobain followers IMO, and Euro’s image with the band and scene progressed in a Troma-like cheesiness...anyway people tend to think Varg is a badass or something and I’ve come to the opposite opinion in thinking he’s a total pussy -reminds me of a CSI episode where the killer was a weak pussy and it took 20-some hissy fit stabs to kill the guy who was like 5’5”...:tickled:

Black Metal does not emphasize on musicianship, they're pretty horrible musicians, but the first Mayhem fullength is one of the few black metal cds I dig, never really got into Black Metal thing for the most part, do like some specific albums but don't listen to them very often

regular people just throw down somewhere and usually don't call the cops unless they're pussies, so not sure what's up with people stabbing each other, but yeah people like to stab and shoot people, so who knows with that shit, never really wanted to stab someone, if I don't like someone don't like them, i've hung out with people I don't like or don't like me, we don't stab the shit out of each other though
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SSOASS is the best Maiden album. By far the most consistent and the only one with no filler tracks.

And as far as Euronymous's lead work on DMDS, it fits what the band is going for and the overall tone and arc of the album very well. If you're looking for some virtuosic soloing, then that's not the album (or genre) for you. In fact, it would be disruptive to the overall compositions.
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I'm not sure how people excuse the amount of unnecessary repitition or the handful of literal pop metal songs on Seventh Son of a Seventh Son so easily. Iron Maiden was a tighter band that avoided such pitfalls on their best albums.
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Let’s restart this...I think Varg is a pussy and only got the better of Euronymous because it was a total sissy fight...and I think the skull fragments/brain matter myth is total BS
varg is totally legit
i mean he can be kinda wacky and his rpg is trash but homeboy killed a guy and casually talks about it on youtube
He tried to cover it up. Not Legit IMO...This was my intended debate: I just don’t take Varg’s current pseudo tough guy act as very intimidating nor do I find him physically intimidating (if that’s his intent). The obvious back story is cliche, but I find the more recent interviews odd and don’t understand the target audience...but yeah, he attacked a very small guy who was unarmed and revels in discussing it to seem like a hard ass. He was just a kid, really...