Controversial opinions on metal

Their productions have always been murky and it's a trademark and suits the band but the drums definitely could've been beefed up a bit.Still the album rules nonetheless.
waking the fallen is the best metalcore album i've heard
john pretucci has tons of emotion in his guitar playing
behemoth is nothing special
most black metal is nothing special
i am finding myself disagreeing with you intensely:Spin:
As far as the B's ov well known blackened death go, I prefer Belphegor.

I'd also say both bands have thier best material in the middle of thier discographies.

They both have this production now that reminds me of Nile and not in a good way.
I absolutely cannot stand old behemoth. I really dont like new behemoth either but I can atleast stand listening to it....

Old Belphegor is best. (and their newer albums arent bad, but some have that whole speaker damaging bs going on)
I think early Behemoth is excellent.

As for Belphegor, I think they're cool but they've been stuck in a rut for the last few years. They've stagnated and become very predictable and oh yes, the production is horrendous on recent albums.
I really don't like the kind of drumming up to 0:25. I hear it in a lot of songs, and I'm not sure why people use it.

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I don't like thrash. Period. I've listened to every classic album, both new and old, and with a couple exceptions that just kinda have some nostalgic value (old Slayer and 'Deth), I just never, EVER listen to it.

Friends were begging me to check out Warbringer, Vektor, Evile and the like, and I couldn't stand any of it.
Blast beats? I imagine you must hate a lot of metal then.

I laughed when I was like "wonder what this guy's talking about... lets see here...

mmmhmm.... okay... blast beat blast beat blast beat... maybe it happens at 25 seconds? I must have misread it...

*fast forwards to 24 seconds*

OHHH blast beat's over at 25 seconds.

yeah I dont like the drumming after 25 seconds either."

then I reread his posts and thought...

he doesn't like blast beats? :zombie: does he know that this isn't the fucking tool forums?
Blast beats? I imagine you must hate a lot of metal then.

As far as I know majority of metal does not have blast beats. I'm not against them, but can't think of many metal drummers that use them and still play their drums interestingly.
but can't think of many metal drummers that use them and still play their drums interestingly.

Because drumming is about being interesting... because the actual sound that a band produces has no value, only wether each instrument is playing something cool.

turns out - black metal that's just minor chords strummed really fast must suck because they aren't noodling during every song...

/sarcasm off.

it's about the music... it's about creating and atmosphere - not pleasing yourself as a drummer/guitarist/keyboardist. you?

its basically appreciation of something artistic/deep. you could use it to describe the level of creativity/flavor in a musical/artistic work. many have called being an aesthetic the art of appreciation.

o_O fail to see how what he said makes even an ounce of sense.

Le this.

I can't stand the idea of digging something just because it's "super br00tal" and "too heavy 4 yew". I've come across that sort of mentality quite a bit recently while talking to people (in adults over 24 - "lol, you don't like ShitFuckBowels? you're not hc enuff for them then lolol") and I just don't understand it. I don't think this is even a controversial opinion but for some reason this has been highlighted for me recently and is proper getting my goat!