Controversial opinions on metal

No. Jugulator is Painkiller with less variety, even campier lyrics, and lots of shitty samples. It's an ok album (aside from Nostradamus (maybe) they don't have a bad one) but Painkiller did it first and so much better.

I agree with JP not really having a bad album. They are all varying degrees of good. I'm still up in the air when it comes to Nostradamus. I'll have to listen to it again in the near future.

That being said, Demolition is better than anything they did after Screaming for Vengeance, Painkiller aside.

I don't believe this (HABEEB THIS AMIRITE?). Defenders of the Faith is one of their best albums.

How is it possible to be so wrong?

I'm always right and so are my opinions.

Jugulator is an endless series of shitty riffs and tough guy lyrics. The only slightly redeemable part is Cathedral Spires, and even then it's still kind of shit. Painkiller, aside from the overplayed and rather mediocre title track, is an incredibly consistent set of catchy, aggressive speed/power metal songs.

Cathedral Spires is better than anything on Painkiller

Here is how the track list to Painkiller should read:

1) Painkiller
2-10) 9 more songs that try so hard to be like the first track and fail miserably.

Although I like Leather Rebel and one other song on that album other than the title track. Overall though, it's complete fucking cheese from a band who shouldn't have fucking been trendhopping in the first place because they didn't have to do it. I mean, you could hear on Ram it Down that they were going in this direction, but seriously, it fucking sucks.
That's bullshit. They WERE the trend up until at least the mid 80s.

Also, Nostradamus is easily one of their best non-70s albums.
I don't believe this (HABEEB THIS AMIRITE?). Defenders of the Faith is one of their best albums.

Here is how the track list to Painkiller should read:

1) Painkiller
2-10) 9 more songs that try so hard to be like the first track and fail miserably.

Although I like Leather Rebel and one other song on that album other than the title track. Overall though, it's complete fucking cheese from a band who shouldn't have fucking been trendhopping in the first place because they didn't have to do it. I mean, you could hear on Ram it Down that they were going in this direction, but seriously, it fucking sucks.

Rock Hard Ride Free and The Sentinel are excellent songs, but after those the album drops off hard. Demolition manages to be one of their most diverse albums and consistent quality-wise.

A Touch of Evil means you're wrong.
Defenders is one of the most lopsided albums of all time. It would've made a crushing EP; let's put it that way.
Heh. Jawbreaker is my favorite Judas Priest song.

I really dont like their 70s rock output though. (and I like 70s rock, just not them) Defenders is when they made metal metal, imo.
Also, I dont know where else to put this... but okay, I'm on the bandwagon... chris barnes needs to die in a fucking fire:

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They both "fit", but neither has any emotion in thier voice.
It gets old after one song.
I have a hard time listening to most things you talk about so maybe it's just a total difference in opinion.
Fisher's guttural screams are fucking nasty forever.