Albums currently kicking your ass

Not "exactly" metal but terrific nonetheless. Haunting, beautiful, dark and hopeful all in the same package, can't stop mashing the repeat button. That Jämte dude from Khoma and his vocals, goddamn!

How hard is it to type the band and album name?


Cormorant - Dwellings

One of my favorite albums of last year. A fantastic blend of doom, black, and progressive metal with intelligent and thoughtful lyrics.
How hard is it to type the band and album name?

Also, how hard is to drag that cover to Google image search? That takes 5 seconds. It's faster than writing it down and CERTAINLY faster than asking or whining about it.
lol I was like half-joking when I made that album font comment. I didn't mean to make this big mess :lol:

Anyway, how about some Battlecorss?



I found them exactly two days ago and it's been a whirlwind romance.
Also, how hard is to drag that cover to Google image search? That takes 5 seconds. It's faster than writing it down and CERTAINLY faster than asking or whining about it.

Why do you always try to make such a retarded impression on us?:lol:

It's just common sense to write the name of album and band if it's hard to see on the cover, because I guess a part of the point with this thread is that you want to make others aware of the album just posted... lol. :loco: