Albums currently kicking your ass


Nasty, suffocating death metal. Also, I'm not posting the album info because fuck you.
Finally got to listen to the new Alcest. Really like the new album (instrumental build ups kind of remind me of Negura Bunget in some of the moments, though :p )

Come on. I can read the album title from my phone. If you can't find it from that you don't deserve to listen to it.

How about we just not be aggravating and instead simply put up the artist/album when posting? :rolleyes:
Or how about you find something out for yourself instead of crying it wasnt made easy enough for you?


Just got my stuff from rms today.
Since I particularly feel like advertising this band...

(intro ends at 1:25 if you wish to skip)

Claws is a newer one man finnish death metal band pumping out high quality swedish sounding stuff.

Hoping to hear a new full length from these guys this year.
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