Controversial opinions on metal

It can be if somebody just started listening to Rock, and never gotten into Heavy Metal, high quality music or some sort of. I mean, I completely respect the guy's death but no need to overshoot the shit out of a rather repetitive, mainstream Grunge group just because the guy died.

Shut your whore mouth.
Shut your whore mouth.

Reason being? I used to put Heaven Beside You in loop... so yes, I know what I'm on about. They used to make cheap music and that's a fact. If you have to question it, then why should I bother? It's not even Metal (hence the thread title). Period.
Reason being? I used to put Heaven Beside You in loop... so yes, I know what I'm on about. They used to make cheap music and that's a fact. If you have to question it, then why should I bother? It's not even Metal (hence the thread title). Period.

Cheap music? In what capacity?
Repetitive in what way? None of their releases are that similar (except maybe the new one to their older stuff but what do you expect there).
Cheap music? In what capacity?

The songs in the Tripod were structured in the same way; you can notice that pattern in those. They're radio friendly stuff that isn't the best of Grunge either. Yes, it's at the very least decent, but not high quality music by a long mile.
The songs in the Tripod were structured in the same way; you can notice that pattern in those. They're radio friendly stuff that isn't the best of Grunge either. Yes, it's at the very least decent, but not high quality music by a long mile.

"Structured" in the sense that a good portion of the songs are verse/chorus rock songs, yeah, but a shitton of metal is and that doesn't matter. Their S/T is probably their most diverse album. I mean, Brush Away, Head Creeps, and Nothin' Song are liek totally the same song amirite?
"Structured" in the sense that a good portion of the songs are verse/chorus rock songs, yeah, but a shitton of metal is and that doesn't matter. Their S/T is probably their most diverse album. I mean, Brush Away, Head Creeps, and Nothin' Song are liek totally the same song amirite?

Well, personally, I listen to Maceo Parker, Albert King etc. aside from Heavy/older Metal, so you can guess. Bands like Alice in Chains or Nirvana (for example) just don't cut it anymore.
Well... you know, when you can have the music you want DL'ed on your machine, you just keep on shuffling. If I turn on BLS and get frustrated from constant harmonics, I'd just switch to Funk. :D Metal isn't the only good genre around. ;)
this forum is full of babies

now I remember why I didn't join this forum.

now that I'm here, I'm going to shit on anyone I deem worthy.

yes, most black metal is "musically tarded" because it's about the atmosphere it creates, not how sweet their solos are. :zombie:

you say it like most death metal bands are actually talented! when the reality of it is that their stuff isn't complicated, hard to play, and certainly not musically interesting. while there are some pretty crazy ones out there - most of it is musically shit. pure shit. but we listen to it because we like the way it sounds - not because it's musically any good.

me ---> :puke::cry: <--- you

ok first of, im glad to see that you guys have bands.

who here even knows what a chromatic mediant relationship is?

12 tone serialism?

any takers?


what is a quarter note?

you dont know?

if you do you googled it im sure.

i am a member of firethorn, and ill tell you right know, that vi vi IV V gets old the first 3 bars, fuck iron maiden, choose a different key than e minor - and stop playing in 4/4

even if we took the worst from power/death/black metal it would be more interesting that playing faggity ass glam rock.


if you dont like us, dont accept the friend request. cause honestly, we dont give a fuck what some corner of the earth forum says about our music.

you are all ney sayers.
and you sit and spend your time on FORUMS

go outside and breath fresh air.... maybe talk to a girl.

better yet, pick up instruments and show me your work.

this is asmodeus of FT,

if you want to say something, go ahead and say all you want... ill play your game, and i wont even read it, and ill laugh with my closed minded friends and down strangers because all know we have no balls of our own.

have a mod ban me plz. i dont even like royal carnage. this forum has already proved foul to me.

brutal death metal community has people that would actually APPLAUD this music, and have welcome thoughts.

funny... death metal? goregrind? = nice

and you people are worse than sharks.

have a nice day, and i just hope this got to one of you.

im not sure why i even bothered, i just figured i might make sense to atleast one of you.
Why do people bother splitting hairs about what "good" music is?

It just seems so petty to me. I just listen to what I like, and shut up about it. I try not to declare it as superior to any music anyone else listens to. I accept that I like it, and that other people may not like it, and then move on with my life. I listen to music for entertainment (among other things), and not for my own self-image.
Anthrax: you attempted to 1-up another forum member over some trivial quibble you had with their choice of words, and as a result you got owned since you didn't know what the fuck you were going on about in the first place. Deal with it or don't, but the truth of the matter is you're the only person who overreacted. BTW you bitch constantly, so where do you get off saying this forum is full of babies?

edit: Alice in Chains is one of those bands that you pretty much have to like in order for me to care about anything you have to say about music. Unless you only like metal, which makes you okay.
Why do people bother splitting hairs about what "good" music is?

It just seems so petty to me. I just listen to what I like, and shut up about it. I try not to declare it as superior to any music anyone else listens to. I accept that I like it, and that other people may not like it, and then move on with my life. I listen to music for entertainment (among other things), and not for my own self-image.

The thing about music taste is that it's something of an indicator of a person's level of personal development and maturity. So a person's love, dislike or indifference to can say a lot about those kinds of "quality of character"