Controversial opinions on metal

Repetitive in what way? None of their releases are that similar (except maybe the new one to their older stuff but what do you expect there).

I'll buy on the 'repetitive' claim. Alice in Chains is a band with one 'trademark' (those charmingly flat vocal harmonies), which they use on practically every single song. Sure, it means their songs are an instantly recognizable 'brand,' but internally, all the songs end up sounding essentially the same because all distinction is leveled away by the mindless, repetitive application of the same vocal technique over and over again.
I'll buy on the 'repetitive' claim. Alice in Chains is a band with one 'trademark' (those charmingly flat vocal harmonies), which they use on practically every single song. Sure, it means their songs are an instantly recognizable 'brand,' but internally, all the songs end up sounding essentially the same because all distinction is leveled away by the mindless, repetitive application of the same vocal technique over and over again.

I really don't see how all the vocal harmonies sound the same, unless you're complaining simply because they are a trademark (which I don't think is a legitimate beef considering that they aren't the exact same melodies or used in the same way or the only thing that they have in their favor, trademark or not).
I really don't see how all the vocal harmonies sound the same, unless you're complaining simply because they are a trademark (which I don't think is a legitimate beef considering that they aren't the exact same melodies or used in the same way or the only thing that they have in their favor, trademark or not).

The problem is that they use the same intervals between the melody and harmony lines on every song. The melody may change from track to track, but the position of the harmonies relative to the melody never changes at all. It creates a uniform vocal aesthetic that just chokes all the distinction out of the individual songs (much in the way that Iron Maiden's music has lost any real power to move because they phone in the guitar harmonies by rote formula). In the end, it never ends up mattering what they do with melody lines or instrumentation, every song ends up sounding like a variation on the last because they bury everything under the unchanging sameness of their "trademark" harmonies. It doesn't help that their songs are built around traditional pop arrangements that leave little room for structural variation to overcome aesthetic uniformity. It's songwriting by the numbers. Write a verse, write a chorus, fill in the harmony according to the already established formula. Rinse. Wash. Spend your royalties on heroin. Repeat.

By the way, don't ever think that the heroin hasn't played a significant role in AiC's artistic flatlining: while its true that people in the first flush of substance abuse often do astoundingly creative things, established junkies are pretty much the least creative people this side of coma patients. All they can manage is to regurgitate what they've always done, but with the sincere belief that they're doing something new.
I can't stand Iron Maiden. Especially after Killers. They started out as a gritty metal band, and graduated to arena rock cliches. I mean, how can I get excited by Dickinson-era Maiden, when I can't stand bands like Journey? Because I don't hear much of a difference.

And I think that's okay.

The thing that baffles me most are the Iron Maiden fans. It's like some of them cannot accept the fact that not everybody listens to this band. There's always some "reason" that I don't appreciate the music--a reason that invariably comes back "you're a poser."

No. I just happen to be someone who doesn't enjoy Iron Maiden. We do exist in the world.
Speaking of Iron Maiden, I can't stand Bruce Dickinson and his vocals. I'm sure he's good in terms of technique and stuff but for me, Di'Anno is just superior. I prefer Blaze Bayley too.

I also find X Factor and Virtual XI pretty underrated. They don't have the insta-hit feeling like other records of IM but they're much more interesting IMO.
I've honestly never encountered elitist Iron Maiden fans.

I have. So damn obnoxious. Acted as if I were an inferior being not worthy of sharing the same air because I didn't like them.

But it's not exclusive to Iron Maiden. I've found fans like this for lots of bands, not just Metal.
There are shitloads of people on this planet. There's bound to be elitist fans for pretty much every band.
Of course, but the thought of someone actually being elitist about Iron Maiden, whom(?) are so mainstream really makes me laugh.
I don't know about elitist, but they can be obnoxious. I mean, if anyone's being a Maiden elitist, it's me. I liked them in the Di'Anno era in their NWOBHM days. I just can't stomach mainstream-Number-of-the-Beast shit that came later.

Though, I never minded Samson. *shrugs*
There are really some close minded people, for sure. To be totally honest with you, I'm a Christian person, but I'm a metal fan, where's the problem? :kickass: Well, I don't like death or black metal, but it's nothing to do with my faith.

A girl in my church still judge me because I'm a metal fan by telling that metal isn't some music :rolleyes: Lately she tried to give me some internet links to prove me that she was right by telling that metal is a 'satanic' music :bah: The problem is that she cetainly never listened some metal bands and she doesn't know what metal music is. I found a website in French explaining metal music via a sociologic approach, very intereting - I gave her the link. Even to tell her that my favourite kind of metal is the symphonic one didn't make her change her mind :rolleyes: I don't have the desire to make anyone who doesn't like metal to like it, I explained her that I want that she respects what I am and what I like. For the story, my pastor likes hard rock and some metal music as well :headbang:
Ah, fuck her. I doubt she's going to change her views if you just make a reeeally good case. You probably understand this though and yet are still trying to bag her approval for some reason. You don't need it for your interests to be valid, do whatever you do and let her go on being all satan-is-in-everything nutty. Bet she thinks the pastor is the antichrist in disguise too.

Never really got into Maiden, doesn't move me in any way whatsoever. Seen plenty of 10-year-olds wearing Maiden shirts about town though. Are these the elusive elitists?
Iron Maiden elitists are the fans who deny that Maiden has ever recorded a bad album.
Those 10 year old kids think listening to Iron Maiden is cool but they've actually never heard Iron Maiden before. They just wear their t-shirt because it has skeletons and skulls.
Iron Maiden elitists are the fans who deny that Maiden has ever recorded a bad album.

The chorus of The Angel and the Gambler is in fact a subtle insight into the protagonist's mind as he battles his sins, each repetition bringing the listener closer to experiencing his madness.
There are really some close minded people, for sure. To be totally honest with you, I'm a Christian person, but I'm a metal fan, where's the problem? :kickass: Well, I don't like death or black metal, but it's nothing to do with my faith.

A girl in my church still judge me because I'm a metal fan by telling that metal isn't some music :rolleyes: Lately she tried to give me some internet links to prove me that she was right by telling that metal is a 'satanic' music :bah: The problem is that she cetainly never listened some metal bands and she doesn't know what metal music is. I found a website in French explaining metal music via a sociologic approach, very intereting - I gave her the link. Even to tell her that my favourite kind of metal is the symphonic one didn't make her change her mind :rolleyes: I don't have the desire to make anyone who doesn't like metal to like it, I explained her that I want that she respects what I am and what I like. For the story, my pastor likes hard rock and some metal music as well :headbang:

show her this and tell her it is real.
