Controversial opinions on metal

It can be if somebody just started listening to Rock, and never gotten into Heavy Metal, high quality music or some sort of. I mean, I completely respect the guy's death but no need to overshoot the shit out of a rather repetitive, mainstream Grunge group just because the guy died.

Alice In Chains are one of my all-time favourite bands, their back catalogue is amazing and Jerry Cantrell if one of my all-time favourite guitarists and writers. The new album was pretty damn good too. Long may they continue.
I remember buying Black Gives Way to Blue a couple years ago and only listened to it once or twice because I thought it was really boring.
I'd define an "elitist" fan as someone who honestly cannot understand why you don't like (Band X) as much as he does.
You know the sort of thing I mean: he sees your patch jacket and demands to you why you haven't got a Slayer/Metallica/whoever patch. "Because they're not one of my favourite bands" tends to upset him.
Met a few of those. Rather not meet any more, thanks.
The thought just occurred to me that i'd really like it if bands started mixing genres on albums.I'm talking about the more talented and knowledgeable bands within the black/death scene.I'd love to hear a band capable of releasing an album where one track sounds like death and the next is more akin to black but somehow still retain their own identity.I think bands tend to get lazy releasing albums that are all within the one genre.It's probably a stupid idea but I don't see why bands can't push themselves more in regards to writing great stuff in different genres if the song or idea calls for it.Instead of releasing an album that stays within a certain genre with a handful of shitty songs and only a few great tracks.
The thought just occurred to me that i'd really like it if bands started mixing genres on albums.I'm talking about the more talented and knowledgeable bands within the black/death scene.I'd love to hear a band capable of releasing an album where one track sounds like death and the next is more akin to black but somehow still retain their own identity.I think bands tend to get lazy releasing albums that are all within the one genre.It's probably a stupid idea but I don't see why bands can't push themselves more in regards to writing great stuff in different genres if the song or idea calls for it.Instead of releasing an album that stays within a certain genre with a handful of shitty songs and only a few great tracks.

You only think you want to hear bands try that. If you had an actual album that randomly whizzed you back and forth through different styles on a track by track basis, you'd listen to it three times, declare it to be genius because that's what is socially expected of you, then never listen to it again. You know, just like everyone who claims to like Lykathea Aflame did with Elvenfris.
One of the reasons why I really enjoy Akercocke is because they mix it up so well, blending together different styles of music and ideas to form something that is very cohesive and of an apt and seemingly spontaneous nature.
You only think you want to hear bands try that. If you had an actual album that randomly whizzed you back and forth through different styles on a track by track basis, you'd listen to it three times, declare it to be genius because that's what is socially expected of you, then never listen to it again. You know, just like everyone who claims to like Lykathea Aflame did with Elvenfris.

I think I get what you're saying...but surely in this day and age there are those that could pull this off...never even heard Lykathea Aflame,maybe I should but i'm more talking about satanic death/black metal bands.And the fact that they should be able to make it both excellent and memorable.
You only think you want to hear bands try that. If you had an actual album that randomly whizzed you back and forth through different styles on a track by track basis, you'd listen to it three times, declare it to be genius because that's what is socially expected of you, then never listen to it again. You know, just like everyone who claims to like Lykathea Aflame did with Elvenfris.

u be mad trollin' dog
One of the reasons why I really enjoy Akercocke is because they mix it up so well, blending together different styles of music and ideas to form something that is very cohesive and of an apt and seemingly spontaneous nature.

Verdelet is one of my favorite songs for this reason. Unfortunate that the rest of the album doesn't hold up.
I really like that album. I think it may very well be the best of their career, and in my opinion it was certainly a strong contender for album of the year when it came out.
u be mad trollin' dog

No, he's right in this case. An album that drifted from genre to genre would sound more like a compilation than a cohesive work. I can guarantee that you might listen to the individual tracks fairly regularly but you'd almost never listen to the whole thing in one go. There's a reason split albums tend to pick bands of the same ilk rather than slapping a drone band next to grindcore.
Again...the discussion is refering to black/OSDM bands whose subject matter is similar.I'd like to hear a band who're confident/competant enough to pull this off and I don't believe that it's outt've question.