Controversial opinions on metal

So you have AIDS?

^ They're a band I've always tried to get into, without success. Perhaps I should try the one you mentioned (listened to Choronzon, The Goat of Mendes and Antichrist).

Don't bother. This band tries to be progressive and falls on its face. Utterly trite and a waste of time. They can't even do black metal correctly either.
^ They're a band I've always tried to get into, without success. Perhaps I should try the one you mentioned (listened to Choronzon, The Goat of Mendes and Antichrist).

Definitely give the other two a shot. Their debut is less complex, more straightforward, and death metal oriented, so it's a bit easier to get into I think. And Words That Go Unspoken is their most varied and unique album, and possibly my favourite. I enjoy all of their albums though.

Don't bother. This band tries to be progressive and falls on its face. Utterly trite and a waste of time. They can't even do black metal correctly either.

Are you even listening to the right band? :confused:

They aren't trying to be Opeth or anything so I'm not sure what you're complaining about. And black metal? Death metal is clearly the core of their sound.
Akercocke is a mediocre band, and they certainly will never sound as evil as bands like Beherit or Incantation. That's all that I have to say on that matter.
Cold Lake is pretty much unlistenable, as is Vanity/Nemesis.

EDIT: That said, I wouldn't call it a glam metal album. Anyone that thinks it sounds like Guns 'n Roses fails. It's just a really really bad mix of traditional and thrash metal, the stylistic change further emphasizing the sheer ass that was Tom G Warrior's pre-Monotheist voice.
Reading this thread for quite sometime now and starting to wonder that people who post here, just post to piss other people off, and never really have the opinion they try to state here??

Next one is my opinion( Really :p ): Where Legend began from English Dogs is a fantastic album :D
It fucking rocks (or at least, a few of the songs do anyways), that's what makes it not that bad.

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Cold Lake is a lot better than its reputation. Even the lyrics aren't as gay as you'd think they would be (which, in fairness, would be very, very gay).