Controversial opinions on metal

None whatsoever...but it's not that hard,surely....a competant band that is well versed in these gemres should be able to come up with something...alot have hinted at it.Fuck change up the guitar tone,do whatever....
No, he's right in this case. An album that drifted from genre to genre would sound more like a compilation than a cohesive work. I can guarantee that you might listen to the individual tracks fairly regularly but you'd almost never listen to the whole thing in one go. There's a reason split albums tend to pick bands of the same ilk rather than slapping a drone band next to grindcore.

It all depends on how it's done, really. Although rare, compilations can be cohesive too. And I typically will listen to an album from start to finish regardless, so it wouldn't be an issue with me. I think if a band went into studio with the sole intent of making an album where every song sounds entirely different from each other, then I'd be inclined to agree with you. However, if a band absorbed all of their influences and ideas and were able to pool them all together effectively, then I don't see any problem. The Meads of Asphodel are an even better example than Akercocke for this and I have absolutely no qualms about them whatsoever, I love their music and style. They could probably mix together any combination of styles and you would still get something that still retains the band's character and integrity with enough strength to hold it together cohesively.

Whether you like those bands is up to you but basically, it can be done. It's just that most bands choose not to do so or are limited in their influences, creativity, ideas, vision etc. I personally like it when each song on an album stands out to me and is memorable in it's own right. I think a lot of metal bands tend to stay within the formula a bit too much.
Danny, don't listen to the nazi boy. I don't know why Lykathea Aflame was brought up in the first place, but it's a rare band that can incorporates ethnic elements while still being fucking aggresive and they are also very technical (especially on drums played by Tom Corn) and I still like them. You know that I despise "technical death metal" just for the sake of it but this is not the case.

I don't see why someone doesn't like them just for being idiosyncratic - that's the way it is and you can't deny the things I said about them in the first paragraph. Definitely check Elvenefris out before judging.

Also, check out !T.O.O.H.! if you don't know them already. Another classic czech weird-ish death metal act.
Akercocke are an excellent example of what I was talking about,probably the best I can think of.It's a wonder more bands have'nt atleast given it a shot.

What? Being shitty?

I remember buying Black Gives Way to Blue a couple years ago and only listened to it once or twice because I thought it was really boring.

That's because it's missing Layne
Danny, don't listen to the nazi boy. I don't know why Lykathea Aflame was brought up in the first place, but it's a rare band that can incorporates ethnic elements while still being fucking aggresive and they are also very technical (especially on drums played by Tom Corn) and I still like them. You know that I despise "technical death metal" just for the sake of it but this is not the case.

I don't see why someone doesn't like them just for being idiosyncratic - that's the way it is and you can't deny the things I said about them in the first paragraph. Definitely check Elvenefris out before judging.

Also, check out !T.O.O.H.! if you don't know them already. Another classic czech weird-ish death metal act.

I will check both bands Ondra,i've heard of LA alot over the years but for some reason have never gotten around to listening to the band.
I don't see why someone doesn't like them just for being idiosyncratic

They're not "idiosyncratic," they're an incoherent pander to wannabe art fags. They've never gotten past the Old Spice (it's two things!) method of songwriting. Basically, they exist so that socially insecure people can impress people on the internet with their unique tastes. No one, however, actually listens to them, and you don't either. So stop frontin', fool.
I've wanted to get a copy for a while, but it seems almost impossible to get my hands on one.

I'll save you the time, trouble and wasted money.

Every Song on Elvenfris:


Rinse. Wash. Repeat until 5-10 minutes have passed. They want you to be very aware that they can be melodic and brutal, and they think you should be impressed with their cleverness.
We get it. I'm all for proselytizing the forum with the ANUS doctrine, but I'm starting to think the members of LA gang-banged your mother or something.

Edit: I don't give two fucks about the band, for what it's worth.
What? Being shitty?

Akercocke are absolutely brilliant. A lot of bands write Satanic lyrics and try to be "evil" in their image but Akercocke, in my opinion, are the absolute best at producing Satanic sounding metal. If the almighty horned one had a band, this monkey known as Akercocke would be the one. Rape of the Bastard Nazarene is an absolutely sick death metal album.