Recent content by Mynameisrob

  1. Mynameisrob

    random chat thread

    KrgFn: I envy you, I also wanna live close to an awesome festival. It seems to be a little bit tricky getting there (Hellfest) from where I live. :( Anyway, perhaps we'll meet then, bought my ticket yesterday! :)
  2. Mynameisrob

    Long Time No death - pictures and review

    Alright, will check it out tomorrow then. :) And another thing about the setlist, get rid of Apocalypse, do they want me to fall asleep or what?!
  3. Mynameisrob

    Long Time No death - pictures and review

    I think it's pretty hard being as good as Laiho. :P You got me curious, gotta listen to the band. At least he'll be speaking an understandable language. :P
  4. Mynameisrob

    random chat thread

    Can't say "That's bad", I mean, getting a spot sounds quite nice :)
  5. Mynameisrob

    what are ya listenin at?

    Hypocrisy - Adjusting The Sun
  6. Mynameisrob

    random chat thread

    Bah, I wasn't serious nor unserious, join if you want to ;)
  7. Mynameisrob

    Long Time No death - pictures and review

    Well, someone has to ;) Never heard of. Whatever, as long as he plays good I couldn't care less :)
  8. Mynameisrob

    Long Time No death - pictures and review

    Who plays guitar then? I'm a retard and haven't heard yet 8)
  9. Mynameisrob

    random chat thread

    *Invites* ;)
  10. Mynameisrob

    random chat thread

    Is anyone here attending Hellfest this year? :)
  11. Mynameisrob

    Long Time No death - pictures and review

    Adjusting the Sun. <3 Would like to leave out Valley of the Damned (Don't like the guitar strand during the chorus) and Eraser (Bleuh, never liked that song), and replace them with... Buried and Elastic Inverted Visions. :_ I hope some songs will change for the Stockholm show :rolleyes:
  12. Mynameisrob

    what are ya listenin at?

    Mike Oldfield - Moonlight Shadow
  13. Mynameisrob

    Now playing thread

    +1. Hypocrisy - Selfinflicted Overload
  14. Mynameisrob

    random chat thread

    I haven't seen Hypocrisy either, but gonna see them in less than two months. Can't wait :D I used to dance so I listen to some hiphop/RnB, but mainly I like pop from the 80's: Cher, Samantha Fox, Level 42. Quite gay yes 8)
  15. Mynameisrob

    what are ya listenin at?

    Vader - One Step to Salvation