Recent content by Narg

  1. Narg

    Rome: Total War

    Can't wait been playing MTW more recently
  2. Narg

    what was the first ever death metal song you listened to?

    If you count In Flames then it would be Jotun. After that I bought None So Vile just from reading a review about it so would be Cryptopsy - Crown of Horns
  3. Narg

    Swedish boy killed 2 years ago. read on.

    Sorry I was referring to the article as bollocks not what you said. I also meant immigrants make a net contribution to the economy with taxes I don't understand exactly what you mean about pensions and asylum. From what I've seen the average asylum seeker gets under half that of the average...
  4. Narg

    Swedish boy killed 2 years ago. read on.

    Honestly what a load of bollocks. Immigration is beneficial for the economy in the long run. More workers pay more money in taxes. As for asylum seekers at least in this country the problem has been blown out of proportion by filthy rags like the Sun and the Daily Mail. The number of...
  5. Narg

    George Bush

    Yes no-one else noticed
  6. Narg

    Satanism and Metal

    But many metal bands do have a satanic or at least evil image. Tongue in cheek maybe but to anyone looking in its easy to see why though anyone who takes it seriously needs their head examined
  7. Narg

    The collapse of metal is imminent

    Maybe Wes is confusing metals demise with his own As to what he says about filesharing ultimately the industry has to adapt. I don't think metal sale suffer but when it comes to one hit wonders which the record industry loves they may no longer be viable and god forbid they might have to...
  8. Narg

    Winning Friends and Influencing people - aka the new friendly fire.

    So the US has never supported countries run by mass murderers?
  9. Narg

    Would you rather pay to download or buy the CD?

    I don't burn and don't really like listening through my computer so unless I'm trying out a band I won't usually listen through a computer. So obviously I wouldn't want to pay just to test a band If they did make you pay for downloads would we be entitled to burn to a CD for personal use
  10. Narg

    Dance Of Death!!!

    I really like. I liked BNW but this seems to complete what wasn't quite there on it. The three guitars, the strong songs. The choruses still repeat a bit but I actually quite like it on several of these songs. Rainmaker and Paschendale are particularly good
  11. Narg

    Death metal and technicality

    As far as having flow to the music I always thought Death metal strived to be a bit different by being more disjointed and having more 'technical' riffs rather than just letting it flow out perhaps in a less structured way
  12. Narg

    Winning Friends and Influencing people - aka the new friendly fire.

    This isn't just the French or whatever the US are now going back to the UN despite shunning the security council and now expecting UN involvement. However the US expects other countries to send troops but still not give the UN involvement in the government. Iraq's internal affairs were not...
  13. Narg

    Its's Shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In fact don't listen to or buy music at all just hum songs in our head
  14. Narg

    Its's Shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nothing new but a more complete album then BNW
  15. Narg

    Fav' Computer Game (Multiplayer)?

    Medieval Total War 4v4 Battles