Swedish boy killed 2 years ago. read on.

the story itself is sad, but look at the site it's on. Shop white? the link at the top to VNN is also against Jews. what a fuckin shame, a site that puts stories up defending innocent victims of fake anti-racist brutality beatings, yet advertises discrimination. talk about hypocritical...
Well, this website is a little extreme.

I agree with some of the things said here, me being rather right-wing anyway, but on the messageboards there are left and right wing sections.

To be honest there are probably websites out there with, buy black advertised all over it, so that doesn't concern me.

The banner at the top for www.nazi.org :OMG:


This is full of Christian whacko's anyway, all about, Jews twisting the word of the Bible.


CHRISTIAN!!!! Your bible is fucking half Jewish.

The blindness of these dumb cunts, probably all KKK

Real God-Fearing folk :yell:
nergal_S said:
well what can i say? I dont think there should be any imigrants to europe at all.

There are enough dark people in this world.
I am not prejudiced, but I agree that European countries shouldn't be so damn liberal in terms of immigration policies. My family is from Germany, and I know that in some parts of Germany you see as many Turks, Arabs, etc. than actual Germans.
the problem is these alien cultures dont know how to live in a civilized country and contribute rather they take advantage of everything.

If there civilization is to stupid to build any thing worthwhile dosent mean they need to move, they should stay there and live in what there people build.
nergal_S said:
the problem is these alien cultures dont know how to live in a civilized country and contribute rather they take advantage of everything.

If there civilization is to stupid to build any thing worthwhile dosent mean they need to move, they should stay there and live in what there people build.
You may want to learn the learn the difference between posessive pronouns and certain adverbs that happen to be homophones of said adverbs so that you too you can conherently contribute to your culture of choice ^___________^
nergal_S said:
the problem is these alien cultures dont know how to live in a civilized country and contribute rather they take advantage of everything.

If there civilization is to stupid to build any thing worthwhile dosent mean they need to move, they should stay there and live in what there people build.
True. In many European countries, foreigners can freely immigrate and gain "asylum," and sometimes they don't even work and live off government money! Even if they do work, there are actual people of the European country that need work that they are taking the job away from. And a vast majority of crime is committed by foreigners too. I actually kind of understand why Germany's immigration policies are so liberal, due to the Holocaust and everything, but I don't see why courtries like Sweden and the UK have the same open door immigration policies. Some guy that I knew in Germany was jumped for no reason at a train station by a bunch of fucking Turks, and they beat him so badly that he can't see out of one eye anymore! Another group of Turks threw a full garbage can over my uncle's head, also at a train station. I really don't agree with the open door immigration policies so many European countries have.
It's easy to bitch about immigration but the truth is without massive immigration to Europe, European countries would be facing a potential disaster. People will often complain about foreigners getting government hand-outs but the reality is that those same foreigners are the people that are going to help keep the European social welfare system alive in decades to come since the replacement rate in Europe is so damned low.
nergal_S said:
the problem is these alien cultures dont know how to live in a civilized country and contribute rather they take advantage of everything.

If there civilization is to stupid to build any thing worthwhile dosent mean they need to move, they should stay there and live in what there people build.

Amen to that.
what a load of right wing bullshit. theres no proof they attacked him because he was a "potiental racist" (altohught they might have claimed that to try and get a lesser sentence) . this is just some neo nazi attempt as bringing up more racial dissent by trying up make out all non whites have a hidden desire to beat the homogenous populace to death with planks.

now i will admit their are racist attacks by non whites on whites (some years ago a white kids was stabbed to death in a planned attack by a group of Pakistani youth in Northampton) but attacks on Blacks, indians, eastern europeans by whites outweights attacks on whites by nonwhites by an enornmous amount.

the majority of the troubles makers here are either white english buberry clad timberlake loving football hooligan wannabes or the cops ( who seem to regard crimefighting as wiping out the competition).

most non-whites are harmless comapred to them
kollex said:
what a load of right wing bullshit. theres no proof they attacked him because he was a "potiental racist" (altohught they might have claimed that to try and get a lesser sentence) . this is just some neo nazi attempt as bringing up more racial dissent by trying up make out all non whites have a hidden desire to beat the homogenous populace to death with planks.

now i will admit their are racist attacks by non whites on whites (some years ago a white kids was stabbed to death in a planned attack by a group of Pakistani youth in Northampton) but attacks on Blacks, indians, eastern europeans by whites outweights attacks on whites by nonwhites by an enornmous amount.

the majority of the troubles makers here are either white english buberry clad timberlake loving football hooligan wannabes or the cops ( who seem to regard crimefighting as wiping out the competition).

most non-whites are harmless comapred to them
You obviously haven't ever been to London. As much as I try not to point fingers, black youths are the biggest trouble makers in London, racially speaking.
ShadowOfDeath said:
what baffles me is the fact this news is posted on a site premoting nazi's, racism(WhiteStore), Anarchy, etc instead of some news site =/

Yeah, that is the saddest thing.

If I beat up a black man, I'm a racist.

If a black man beats me up, he's a hero, fighting a racist, I'm a racist because he says I am.

The liberal laws in this country are a joke, the police can't even touch anyone who isn't white, because they are scared to be called racist, and all these foriegn peoples have their own special unions.

The best example I ever heard is here in UK

there was a news story, a white person tried to join the black firefighters Union and they told him he couldn't join because he was White.

He asked if he could start a Whites only union, and was told that a whites only union would be racist.

I work in the Immigration Building for the Home Office and the truth is that the public have no idea as to how bad the situation is.
Heavy Metal Samurai said:
Yeah, that is the saddest thing.

If I beat up a black man, I'm a racist.

If a black man beats me up, he's a hero, fighting a racist, I'm a racist because he says I am.

The liberal laws in this country are a joke, the police can't even touch anyone who isn't white, because they are scared to be called racist, and all these foriegn peoples have their own special unions.

The best example I ever heard is here in UK

there was a news story, a white person tried to join the black firefighters Union and they told him he couldn't join because he was White.

He asked if he could start a Whites only union, and was told that a whites only union would be racist.

I work in the Immigration Building for the Home Office and the truth is that the public have no idea as to how bad the situation is.

agreed, most countries cover up the fact there are people who are racists and everything. This is why i don't trust government, they try and hide the things we hear everyday like it's no big deal. When it comes down to it racism has been going on for centries before us and our ancestry.

The color of ones skin doesn't determine who they are. Scientifically as humans are part of the animal kingdom(only we're more highly evolved) and like other animals we adapt to a certain climate and living area, as a result some people are black, some are yellow, and so on and that really has nothing to do with people.

i think people get my point so i won't bother going on about race and crap like that.
Honestly what a load of bollocks.

Immigration is beneficial for the economy in the long run. More workers pay more money in taxes. As for asylum seekers at least in this country the problem has been blown out of proportion by filthy rags like the Sun and the Daily Mail.

The number of asylum seekers and money spent on them is nominal. There are far bigger problems yet this is all singled out for racial and xenophobic reasons.

And you could cite a credible source that doesn't call for a white revolution against the Jews
Narg said:
Honestly what a load of bollocks.

Immigration is beneficial for the economy in the long run. More workers pay more money in taxes. As for asylum seekers at least in this country the problem has been blown out of proportion by filthy rags like the Sun and the Daily Mail.

The number of asylum seekers and money spent on them is nominal. There are far bigger problems yet this is all singled out for racial and xenophobic reasons.

And you could cite a credible source that doesn't call for a white revolution against the Jews

Wow, such ignorance.

I work for the Home Office OK.

I have seen and heard the statistics about asylum.

Tell me how Asylum seekers add to the Economy, when they can neither work nor pay tax.

Did you know that an asylum seeker is offered £2000 to go to another country, when one of them gets to the UK they are given that much to Fuck Off. If they are turning down that to get into UK what must that mean.

As said before the majority of the people claiming Asylum don't deserve to be here, a lot are simply Migrant workers because of the pay quality in UK.

A lot of people now are losing out on their pensions because of this, the money is given to Asylum seekers.

Did you also know that the Government recieves money from the EU for every Asylum seeker it takes in.

Come and work in the Immigration building for a week and then tell me what I said is Bollocks.

I'm not a racist or a xenophobe, one of my very good friend's is from Libya, but he deserves to be here, he came here to get an education and he came here legally, after waiting a year for his papers to clear.

When you know what you are talking about, then you can criticise, not before.I'm no expert but I know more about it than the common public does, because they are kept in the dark by the Government who are making money from asylum seekers.