Are ALL humans scumbags?


Apr 17, 2005
And what I've noticed is that these people, who run small scams to try to rip me off for a few dollars here and there, are no different than the banks which charge fees for services they don't render, than credit card issuers who change interest rates to 30% on money loaned at 6%, than customer service representatives who assure you that their latest unreasonable demand for money is legal "because its in your contract", et cetera. The majority of the human race consists of pathetic, vice ridden scumbags who are trying to steal from their fellow humans every penny they can scratch up.

This kind of behavior disturbs me, because I was not raised around people like this and was always taught that such pathetic examples were a minority of the human population. Yet I find them everywhere, and realize that those ideologies which presume the ability of the majority of men to lead and direct the actions of their society are wrong. The vast majority of people need to be directed and controlled by that ethical minority which is capable of making the "big decisions" about the world. A true socialist ethic is a rare thing only a small portion of men are capable of, but only under that ethic and those men who possess it can humanity overcome its tendency towards a petty and narrow existence.
The world is populated in the main by people who should not exist. - George Bernard Shaw
I dunno, I think a minority tends to bring a bad example to the majority. Those sorts of people just tend to be leeches to the system, and unfortunately people who do the right thing (which is the majority of people in the system, otherwise the system would not function) have to carry the extra weight. What a shame we can't give all the parasites an euthanasia treatment :)
Agreed w/aenimated.

I don't believe all, or even most, humans are "scumbags." The scumbags simply draw more attention to themselves. If you complete a transaction and it goes without issue, you're probably going to forget about it pretty quickly. If, on the other hand, the person/group you're dealing with tries to cheat you, chances are you're not just going to put up with it and move on. You may have to contest the action verbally, legally, etc., in which case you'll likely be dwelling on it far longer.
When life gives you lemons, kick life in the nuts and take its wallet.

No seriously, we're all scumbags. We all make carnal decisions. We all know right-from-wrong. We all know where waldo is. What proof do you need?
Do you know what philosopher and his ideas are gaining the most steam in both the scientific and humanities community?

Thomas Hobbes.

Although more and more, I am of the opinion that so many scumbags are born scumbags as they genetically have no future and figure this out eventually and then decide to take out their misfortune on the rest of us.
speed said:
Although more and more, I am of the opinion that so many scumbags are born scumbags as they genetically have no future and figure this out eventually and then decide to take out their misfortune on the rest of us.

I agree. They're screwed up, their lives are disasters, and therefore, they're kind of angry about the whole thing.

Kill 'em all. Death to the Crowdists. Death to the Undermen.