Recent content by Quaternarian

  1. Q

    Us tour with Sentenced

    Being that I'm only here once in a blue moon, I guess I'll have to take your word for that one :)
  2. Q

    Us tour with Sentenced

    oooookay, that's even dumber than Villain's comment.
  3. Q

    Us tour with Sentenced

    uhhh, I'm really not sure what Bush has to do with DT, but you get down with your bad self! Biatch-- dude, we're there. I checked the Jaxx page, and they only have "Super Special Guest" listed-- I would give my left nut to see DT live, even at Jaxx. Oh well, at least it's not Twisters in...
  4. Q

    Us tour with Sentenced

    DAMN. Jaxx is a pretty shitty club and all, but DAMN. Fuck yes!! One can only hope that they'll play Nether Novas.
  5. Q

    You don't know how begin to learn more languages? Just click here!!!

    Hate to break it to y'all, but RC is the king of colas, with Coke a clear second. Pepsi . . . shit, if I wanted to drink corn syrup, I would (that said, I do enjoy an ice-cold Pepsi from time to time). And IBC Cream Soda and Mountain Dew are the tag-team champions of the Soft Drink Circuit...
  6. Q

    You don't know how begin to learn more languages? Just click here!!!

    Ég tala lítill á Íslensku, og er að læra Þysku. Or Ich spreche ein bisschen auf Isländisch, und lerne Deutsch jetzt. (I do hope I did that right-- can one of the German speakers back me up? I'm a bit paranoid, since I just started learning not too long ago :))
  7. Q

    What does "Lethe" mean?

    Lethe was the river in Greek mythology whose waters, when drunk, caused the dead soul to forget the past.
  8. Q

    favourite non-metal albums

    I like a lot of nonmetal stuff, and a good bit of stuff that's been mentioned here-- seems Jethro Tull is pretty popular, and deservedly so. So some of my favorite non-metal albums, in completely random order: Styx-- Pieces of Eight (actually my second favorite album, ever, period)...
  9. Q

    Hey, guys-- check this out for me:

    We were wondering if you should wear your lucky underwear on a first date, and here's what we came up with: Our site-- updated today. Thanks.
  10. Q

    The worst DT-songs

    Curses!! while I'm not much of a Skydancer fan, I LOVE all of the other songs on the original list-- shit, Dissolution Factor Red is probably my favorite song off of TMI, MFI is my favorite off of The Gallery-- man, my tastes must just suck! :loco:
  11. Q

    best haven song poll

    Randomly enough, I don't actually like the song "Haven"-- dunno why. My vote was for Emptier Still, because I like Stanne's clean voice a lot. And if anyone wants to shoot me a copy of cornered . . . :)
  12. Q

    What does "zodijackyl" mean?

    Can't speak to the nuclear holocaust theory-- I asked Stanne in email a while ago, maybe two years ago, because I somehow knew he was basing those lyrics on a book-- I was right-- if anyone reads Swedish (dunno who is a Swede and who is not), check out Peter Nilsson-- that's the writer who gave...
  13. Q

    The best song on "The Gallery"

    as with TMI, I'm the only one with my song-- Midway Through Infinity.
  14. Q

    Best song on Projector?

    Nether Novas. Perhaps my favorite song, and certainly my favorite DT song. NP: DT: The Mind's I
  15. Q

    Now The Mind's I bestsong poll XD

    looks like I'm the lone loser who voted for Dissolution Factor Red-- I think that song rips-- it's all about the lick at :54. *shrug* Ah well. NP: Mr Bungle: Mr Bungle