Recent content by scooterSST

  1. scooterSST

    The Division Bio

    uhmm.. my liver has never been the same...
  2. scooterSST

    I didn't throw this out here.. but.. :)

    Money is a huge issue, but I'll make it work regardless of what I have to do.. we were concerned about Down's Syndrome because of my age (44), but all the tests show negative... I don't think Mandy's gonna be able to be a stay at home Mom, unless I can break 100K/year again. She's already...
  3. scooterSST

    I didn't throw this out here.. but.. :)

    Y'know, my wife and I have already had this discussion.. and if my son or daughter wants to get involved in the martial arts, that's great, if they don't that's ok too... same thing with music (BUT.. they will have a backup plan)
  4. scooterSST

    I didn't throw this out here.. but.. :)

    I'm gonna be a dad :heh: We found out a couple of months ago, it's our first child. I'm excited, scared, you name it I'm it. We've passed the first couple of big milestones (APP Blood test, and the Nuchlo Fold test) and just passed into the second trimester, we find out the sex next month....
  5. scooterSST

    Weightloss Thread

    Lemme throw my situation out there.... I have a major reason for keeping my weight down, my father is in extremely poor health (heart disease, high blood pressure, age related dementia leading to Altzheimer's, pancreatic cancer, and he had another stroke last week.) I have more genetic...
  6. scooterSST

    Division new album discussion...

    Chinese Democarcy is out, so Division has been one up'd by W. Axl Rose. (that's kind of like getting beaten up by a four year old)
  7. scooterSST

    ATTN: Raleigh/Durham/RTP Area: John Oliva's Pain at Volume 11 in Raleigh on Saturday

    I'll be the bald guy in the Raleigh Institute of Martial Arts shirt, (which reminds me, I need to make some business cards)
  8. scooterSST

    ATTN: Raleigh/Durham/RTP Area: John Oliva's Pain at Volume 11 in Raleigh on Saturday

    Attention SAVATAGE & TSO Fans. The Mastermind behind SAVATAGE & TRANS SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA JON OLIVA will be performing this Saturday night at VOLUME 11 TAVERN in Raleigh with his band PAIN. Also performing is former SAVATAGE vocalist ZACK STEVENS & his band CIRCLE II CIRCLE. Get ready...
  9. scooterSST

    Have trouble finding gas in Atlanta?

    Welcome to North Carolina, home of no gas and no turn signals
  10. scooterSST

    Site Down

    Hey guys, just as a heads up, the Division site is down... it's throwing the default Apache 404 message, like the whole server has been wiped.
  11. scooterSST

    Celebrate with me!

    Cool, I remember our discussion on the PM board about perspective. I'll be curious to hear your thoughts on it once you've been here for a while :)
  12. scooterSST

    Celebrate with me!

    I was gonna ask you if you needed someplace to stay for that show..
  13. scooterSST

    Celebrate with me!

    Claus, congratulations. Just out of curisoity, and if it's none of my business I understand, but are you going to get your American citizenship?
  14. scooterSST

    Celebrate with me!

    Hey knucklehead, you were in Raleigh and didn't stop by?
  15. scooterSST

    PPUSA X predictions

    I would hope that PPUSA X would be a special one because it's the tenth anniversary, of one of the more successful metal festivals in the US. What I'd like to see... A ''best of" weekend, where the most popular bands play the weekend. some kind of nod to Keith Menser's Powermad...