Recent content by Severed Index

  1. S

    6505, Mesa OS, Krank Rev, X-Amp, 57's, OD808, HS80M and API A2D

    what i would give for the A2D.... currently checking funds
  2. S

    Started building my (small) studio

    jesus mary and joseph fucking mc-christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i knew you had some sick gear Eddy but faaaaark. Not only do you have some of the most sought after studio processing rack gear etc... but you have an absolute killer arsenal of amps. I spose you have around a dozen Neumann's too?? This is...
  3. S

    Building low cost Home Studio in Garage

    dude, all this studio construction going on around the place is making me so inspired, yet making me so depressed! keep up the good work man! for only a couple of $k, your doing a great job. Cant wait to see the end product!
  4. S

    Started building my (small) studio

    Man, I have to congratulate you on your fantastic studio. It looks so damn professional and classy, without going too over the top. Cannot wait until the desk and racks are all hooked up. Its truly inspiring! Makes me wanna start saving for such a project....
  5. S

    new track uploaded "yarrawagunyah"

    Gday there fellow metallic bretheran dont get the chance to post here often; just thought id share some stuff with you that ive been working on. the recording quality isnt fantastic but at this stage its just a group of ideas for an upcoming EP. the latest track is called "yarrawagunyah"...
  6. S

    rocktron voodu valve

    gday this is my first ever post here. usually i just read but now im getting pro-active. I picked up a rocktron voodu valve and a midi mate dirt cheap not long ago, and Im really finding it difficult to record a good hi gain sound directly into nuendo. anyone had any experience with it? it...
  7. S

    Tracking guitars...observations and your opinions?

    hi there guys. this is my first thread! just wondering what is the best way to go about learning how to setup your own guitar (intonation etc) wise. I have several guitars but i dont want to stuff around with the truss rods on them for fear messing them up. I did that to an acoustic once and it...