Recent content by spaffe

  1. spaffe

    Hurray! Creationism Legal in Luisiana Science Classes!

    Reply pending, but it got a lot longer than I first intended... and I can't finish this essay of a reply tonight since the Euro cup final beings now Cheers
  2. spaffe

    Hurray! Creationism Legal in Luisiana Science Classes!

    Hm, silly of me to forget that this is such a hot topic in the US and other places; seems I got a lot more than I bargained for. Also, I'm not entirely happy about having speak for the creationist cause Anyway, as I wrote, it, creationism, should not be taught as science. We all agree there...
  3. spaffe

    Hurray! Creationism Legal in Luisiana Science Classes!

    This probably takes us some way off-topic, but I still don't see the problem of people learning whatever they want to. Sure, I don't agree with creationism, but to write it all off as nonsense isn't really fair either. There are a few intelligent people propagating the ideas, capable of mounting...
  4. spaffe

    Hurray! Creationism Legal in Luisiana Science Classes!

    I don't really see what the big deal is either. I like Freedom and would like to see a state that dabbles less in the life of the people; let schools teach the kids what they want to and parents can choose to place their youngs there or pick some other school with a curriculum more to their...
  5. spaffe

    so have i been missing anything or

    Uhm, were you still around when the general and also perfectly appropriate Warning "Watching from a Distance" circle jerk started? That album is probably the best that's ever been hyped in here and also pretty high up there among my own personal favorites
  6. spaffe

    Chavs, the UK version of a negar

    Mhm, that's the downside of the welfare system I guess; punks who really need to be economically forced to work, in order not make life miserable for a lot of other people, can just cash in each month and continue on with their buisness of being assholes. Perhaps we should cancel welfare for...
  7. spaffe

    Chavs, the UK version of a negar

    Sad stuff. Just send them somewhere to work, say, digging ditches somewhere in the north, where there's no hip hop music, but nice and cozy barracks and many days of good and earnest work. It's strange to think that the authorities tolerate this kind of behavior... but of course, the poor lads...
  8. spaffe

    Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

    Lolz, is there anything more to this whole election thing, than a hurling at one another of insults based on the small moral errors that most members of the human race tend to fall victim to? Just elect a proper absolutist monarch already and get this charade over with
  9. spaffe


    Hm, I personallly don't find 2001 boring, it's actually one my favorites. But the original Solaris (haven't seen the re-make and don't particularly plan to), now that's a boring movie, and belive me, I have a very high toleration for slow movies. Not to mention that the atmosphere which...
  10. spaffe

    Non-metal folk recommendations

    Fantastic swedish folk music, with the swedish bagpipe playing a prominent role -- "Fransosen" would be a good track to start with It has a great melancholic touch which I really like, it feels like it captures the mood with must have been pretty widespread a few...
  11. spaffe

    The (Un)official write anything you want page

    Cool, just let me know :) I haven't read the story you mentioned, but I'll keep it in mind and maybe I'll read it at the end of summer
  12. spaffe

    The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

    Raiding or no raiding, in my book, it's pretty viking to bathe in the sea this time of the year in Norrland, at least for a serious badkruka like me
  13. spaffe

    The (Un)official write anything you want page

    I'm finally done with my essay on Thomas Mann's "Der Tod in Venedig" for my german class! Lo! "Der Tiger im Dickicht: das Verhältnis zwischen Geist und Körper in den zwei ersten Kapiteln der Erzählung „Der Tod in Venedig” It's a most excellent book btw, read it and then read my...
  14. spaffe

    The (Un)official write anything you want page

    Now that's disgusting... :yuk: But it will surely gain him his fifteen minutes
  15. spaffe

    I'm pregnant

    You're wasting your time on metal