Recent content by StAngerTriviumknotAx7

  1. StAngerTriviumknotAx7

    RIP Chuck Schuldiner

    I have nostalgia for what happened 10 years ago, while I was attending a gig with death metal masters DEATH. I have always admired Chuck Schuldiner for his very deep, provocative lyrics, and extremely original and inventive music; however, I knew there was something even more about him, Chuck...
  2. StAngerTriviumknotAx7

    ITT You All Recommend Recent Death Metal Albums

    this is the most brutal and intelligent death metal i have ever listened to
  3. StAngerTriviumknotAx7

    RIP Lennon

    the beatles sucked, they were the 60s equivalent of the jonas brothers
  4. StAngerTriviumknotAx7

    RIP Dime

    pantera were a bunch of hair metal sell out faggots who only stopped playing hair metal cause they figured they could make more money by dumbing down thrash. they did nothing for metal except inspire countless numetal bands and convince losers and morons that metal is all about drinking beer...
  5. StAngerTriviumknotAx7

    ok, lets clear this up once and for all

    xEdgex is a pact, a way of life. It's not something you can just turn on or off. If you've ever broken edge, you were never edge in the first place and you're the most pathetic scum on the earth. Straight edge is life, I would die for any of my xbrothersx, how many of you pathetic wasters can...
  6. StAngerTriviumknotAx7

    3 years today - RIP Dimebag

    its that time of year again
  7. StAngerTriviumknotAx7


    The kids at school all laugh and make fun of me for who I am. They say I need to get a life. Little do they metal is my life.
  8. StAngerTriviumknotAx7

    Jeff Loomis makes the cut to Top 50 guitarists of all time

    Azagthoth at 42? fuck this list
  9. StAngerTriviumknotAx7

    10 favourite all time songs

  10. StAngerTriviumknotAx7

    new opeth

    new opeth: just as boring and lacking in direction as old opeth
  11. StAngerTriviumknotAx7

    I am giving up on american music fans.

    go learn some European capitals or something, you fucking retards
  12. StAngerTriviumknotAx7

    B.C. Rich announces Chuck Schuldiner model guitar

    guide to getting your own custom guitar: 1. make awesome music 2. convert to Christianity, back flip on your ideals and start making music that isn't as awesome as earlier efforts 3. die of aids
  13. StAngerTriviumknotAx7

    Songs that annoy the hell out of you every time you hear them.

    walk is amazing, truly a work of technical mastery from one of the greatest metal guitarists ever, how can you guys hate it :mad: 0---0--1(b)--0 WALK 0---0--1(b)--0 WALK 0---0--1(b)--0 WALK 0---0--1(b)--0 DON'T RUN 0---0--1(b)--0 RE 0---0--1(b)--0 RESPECT 0---0--1(b)--0 WAALK ARE YOU...