Post in this thread and I'll tell you what I honestly think of you.

Oh hey it's you again! What's been up man? How ya been?

Pass judgment on new-ish guy who is very late on thread and can never think of anything to say :kickass:

Now I wanta brger too
Nip this one in the bud... I think I've read 3 posts from you ever. Not much to go on. Sorry. You'd be forgotten quickly. The only thing I can think of is that you are possibly somewhat close to the band on a personal level, or am I wrong?

Meh, whatever, don't I guess :/
"Wha... You talkin' to me here or..."
"No, not anymore."
"We're done talking."
"Ehhhh what do you think he means der..... 'tonight you?' heh heh heh ehhhhhhhh............ :erk:"
best episode ever.
Meh, whatever, don't I guess :/
Why did you quote that and get pissy? It wasn't even directed at you. You have to at least give me a FEW minutes to try to think of something to say.

I just read all 12 of your mighty posts. You seem normal so far except maybe you're a bit impatient and quick to assume the worst.

I never even noticed you to begin with so I'm sure I'd wouldn't if you stopped posting.