Post in this thread and I'll tell you what I honestly think of you.

hm. I'm curious too :)
You seem like a cool chick and your photography is excellent. I don't know if it's because you don't post very much or what, but for some reason you don't seem to incur the wrath that a lot of girls here (especially when they're new) do. Maybe you do and I don't notice, and if that's the case then I guess you handle it well. I'm having a hard time thinking of anything else. I think you should post more :)
I got nothing because I still haven't figured out yet if you're a troll or just have occasional troll-like tendencies. Either way, a lot of the things you say seem like they're only meant to piss people off so I don't pay that much attention to you.

I'd like your opinion of my band Lycanthia.

Within The Walls is our latest release, you can check out samples here:

I'm not saying what style of music we play as everyone has a different opinion as I found out.

I got flamed in the MDB thread here for saying it was a certain style we've been described as many times but not everyone agrees.

I'd like your opinion of my band Lycanthia.

Within The Walls is our latest release, you can check out samples here:

I'm not saying what style of music we play as everyone has a different opinion as I found out.

I got flamed in the MDB thread here for saying it was a certain style we've been described as many times but not everyone agrees.

You're the type that has a hard time paying attention to really simple things, or maybe you just choose not to listen. I also get the impression you only care about yourself and what people think of you, because positive reinforcement is something you need to keep yourself motivated. You need it so badly in fact, you're willing to take it from complete strangers. I must admit, it takes more than small cajones to do that, and I commend you for your guts.

This thread is about you, not your band.
If you're going to copy other bands

That's the thing, we don't copy other bands.

I play guitar and no matter what I play someone will say - I've heard something similar before - you just can't escape that.

Each member writes music, one of us will lay down a foundation then each member will add to it in their own style.

I don't listen to any of the bands we get compared to - I'm was big into Metal in the 80's & I played for Dungeon (Aussie Power Metal), that is where my influences come from. Each of us is different though half the band are into Doom so you can say it is Doom influenced but I can tell you it is not troo Doom.

We have a female soprano, male death vox, violin, etc. so we will undoubtedly get compared to the bands with the same or similar line ups because that is what people will relate us to.

I don't ever sit down and say "ok, now I'm going to write a song that sounds like........" - it would lose all its energy if I did.

When I write I put down what sounds good to me and I can accept not everyone will like it but we headline our own shows and have fans across the globe so I'm happy some people do actually like it.

Your plagiarism is the musical equivalent of paraphrasing a primary source in a paper. It may not match note for note, but it's nothing new. And therefore, not worth listening to.