Recent content by Taikan

  1. Taikan

    Ideas for Opeth's 10th album songs' names

    They could add question marks to the end of those song titles to differentiate them, like Pink Floyd made "In The Flesh?" and "In The Flesh," two separate but related tracks. 5. Blackwater Park? 6. Deliverance?
  2. Taikan

    Watershed SE Samples

    Hmmm... I'm really digging the guitars in "Bridge of Sighs."
  3. Taikan

    The long awaited "Would?" Cover...

    Even if the AIC cover is pure shite, I'd still like to hear it. But alas, it is all up to Mike. Maybe he could set up some of hunt where there would be clues all over the site and you have to gather the clues to find the secret location of the AIC cover! :u-huh:
  4. Taikan

    Bands you use to hate, but now like!

    King Crimson - "In the Court of the Crimson King" Sigh - "Imaginary Sonicscape" (still growing on me)
  5. Taikan

    NOW PLAYING thread

    Darkthrone - "Nor The Silent Whispers" I don't care what others say. I say Soulside Journey is a classic.
  6. Taikan

    Best album

    Same here, except in my case replace Deliverance with Still Life.
  7. Taikan

    ProgNation Question...

    Yeah, it's quite expected. DT's had more exposure for a longer time than Opeth has so far. But the ProgNation tour should definitely turn a number of DT fans onto Opeth.
  8. Taikan

    Pick My Next Opeth CD

    Go in chronological order. For me, at least, it's fun to go through all the Opeth albums in chronological order and see how they've progressed and changed over time.
  9. Taikan

    The most ridiculous Opeth ebay item......ever

    I don't know... I'd buy that drawing for $1. I find it interesting. Is that odd??