Recent content by yeet_SAY_jama

  1. yeet_SAY_jama

    V Appreciation Thread

    This Woah... my account still works. Haven't logged on since August 2006.... I just creep every now and then. V never grew on me. It floored me from the get-go and still amazes me.
  2. yeet_SAY_jama

    New Petrucci footage. Awesome

    another one
  3. yeet_SAY_jama

    New Petrucci footage. Awesome sorry if its a repost.
  4. yeet_SAY_jama

    Lets have a pics thread :)

  5. yeet_SAY_jama

    Lets have a pics thread :)

    okay, im stupid - can someone please provide me with picture posting instructions for the forums?
  6. yeet_SAY_jama

    Sweeping Solos

    So when do faces start to melt?
  7. yeet_SAY_jama

    Petition for SX to do phantom of the opera.

    they should shred the fuck out of this song on their new cd. If they dont, i will kill myself. /signed Naw seriously though, i can just imagine them conquering this song. Twould be cool.
  8. yeet_SAY_jama

    connecting POD 2.0 to my computer

    on board sound, it has Line in, Line out and microphone and SPDIF nothing large to where an instrument cable can fit in
  9. yeet_SAY_jama

    connecting POD 2.0 to my computer

    hello, can someone please please explain how i connect a pod 2.0 to my computer? With pod xt, you can just use USB but how do i get the signal from the POD to my computer with POD 2.0?
  10. yeet_SAY_jama

    Will Smith at Ozzfest

    No, fuckin guitar solo? What a crappy song.
  11. yeet_SAY_jama

    Please help with POD pro

    Guitar port?
  12. yeet_SAY_jama

    Please help with POD pro

    hello, i sold my old amp to a friend recently. I am considering getting a POD pro because of all the good crap i hear about them. I plan on hooking it up to my computer and then conveying the sound to my reciever / large home theater system. Will this be easy? How does the signal go from the...
  13. yeet_SAY_jama

    what do you think about this guitar?

    i have an ibanez rg350. It is very similar to that guitar. I have been very satisfied with the guitar! The neck is killer.
  14. yeet_SAY_jama

    Worst Solo of All-time

    Tom Morello solos are bombastic, shit saturated pieces of ... shit.