V Appreciation Thread

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Bands are better when they're selfish. C'mon Romeo, let the sleeping proggy giant out of the dungeon please(pun intended). ;)[/quote]
^:rock: .

... i don't have much to say about V . simply a PERFECT masterpiece and may be the most underrated prog metal album ever done .the guitar tune is mind -blowing and imo still superior to all those on the last album ( although i admit it s a totally different context ) . the production and the mix even the fact it is not SX' best but it fortunately perfectly matches the album's atmosphere . but i think what really make V so godly is in a word BALANCE . an amazing harmony between all elements that makes you completely forget what instrument is being played : it took me a hundred listens to notice the amazing work of Rullo on Lacrymosa for eXample ...and above all i think albums where music is capable of making you picture the lyrics like V does are very few ...
I bought this album in the summer of 2008 and have loved it since. Every time I listen to it I love it more. I would love to see this album played all the way though live! The album artwork also really fascinates me like as I listen to the album, I picture a movie or something. I wished whoever made the artwork would have made a short film!
Its an interesting thing that you cant buy the MP3s for this album from Amazon or iTunes for that matter. Everything else is gettable.
Its an interesting thing that you cant buy the MP3s for this album from Amazon or iTunes for that matter. Everything else is gettable.

My guess is that it has something to do with the label. Wasn't it released on Metal Blade or something in some countries?

the only shitty thing about V is that it's fucking impossible to air drum to

Yeah, shame on Jason for not taking that into account when he wrote the drum parts. :D
I can't agree more with everything that's been said on this thread. Personally for me, I think one thing I've always liked about V, is that it's got this extremely dark vibe to it throughout the whole thing. Moreso than the Odyssey or even PL. Don't know what it is exactly but the album is absolutely killer in all aspects.
I don't just listen to V, I watch it...
The entire album captivates me, and I get trapped in this world. The album is done so perfectly that I never lose the feeling from start to finish. Recurring parts help elevate this even more-so.
I listened to this again all the way through a few nights ago. I read the lyrics more closely. I think there are enough plot holes to make a V part 2 or a VIII since their next album will be their 8th. Since this is the 10th anniversary wouldn't it be great for them to play the album all the way through live and make it a DVD? It can be like when Dream Theater did Scenes from a Memory. I hate to think they just released it then played a few shows and now it's like they forgot about it. I would be amazed if they ever made a better album than that prog-wise. It's hard to believe they are still relatively a newer prog band. Bands like Dream Theater and Fates Warning have been around since the early/mid 80's, SX is only about 16 years old. That means they should still have tons of more music to release in the future!

Well there is just a lot more to the story that I think can be told. I hope they make a sequel someday. I'm saying this album seems like it can make many honest to God sequels and continue the storyline without just seeming like a cheap remake. This album does seem relatively short only about 63 minutes. SX still haven't made a double disc album they could do "V-II" or call it "VIII" and add more to the story. I'm just listing ideas I hope this isn't the end of V even though the album came out 10 years ago it's a fucking masterpiece and if sequels would be made, it'd be the best progressive metal saga of all time.
^sadly true. mindcrime 2 and keeper of the seven keys 3 (2 was good but that was released basically at the same time) comes to mind.
Leaving a story open to more ideas, or even having unfinished portions are not considered plot holes, man!
Plot holes are errors! When certain things do not make sense, plot-wise, it's considered a plot hole.
Leaving a story open to more ideas, or even having unfinished portions are not considered plot holes, man!
Plot holes are errors! When certain things do not make sense, plot-wise, it's considered a plot hole.

I agree, V doesn't really have any plot holes. On a separate note, if they did a sequel I think it would sound forced and uninspired; they need to move on.
IMO this album rocks! Divine Wings of Tragedy is really nice also though. It's really close. The Accolade on DWOT really rocks... but Communication and the Oracle is really nice on V!
I searched V front and back but I couldn't find such a song!

1. Prelude (1:07)
2. Evolution (The Grand Design) (5:20)
3. Fallen (5:51)
4. Transcendence (0:38)
5. Communion and the Oracle (7:45) :Smokin::lol::rock:
6. The Bird-Serpent War / Cataclysm (3:59)
7. On the Breath of Poseidon (3:04)
8. Egypt (7:04)
9. Death of Balance / Lacrymosa (3:42)
10. Absence of Light (4:58)
11. A Fool's Paradise (5:48)
12. Rediscovery (1:24)
13. Rediscovery pt. II - The New Mythology (11:57)

LOL. Sarcasm.