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Alright suppose you do get to a point in your chosen path of guitar shredtacularness

that you really think you can try to tackle this monster of a technique. As cool as it is, and as much as i love to perform it myself, if you dont have a basic foundation as a guitarist, to be quite frank, you wont be able to get a real good grasp on it. Irregardless of that im a supporter of shreds of all sort and willing to help anyone look for a bit of help. SO from what i can see, you are thinking more along the lines of 5 string arpeggios etc etc which ill post a shape or two here, that will hopefully point you in the direction you wish to go
Ex 2....3 and 5 string :-D
When it comes to Symphony X tunes obviously the most adament display of this technique comes in the intro of Smoke and Mirrors (tabs can be found here on the site) and is a great gateway into getting into the world of arpeggios and sweep picking. Just remember, old agages stand fast TAKE IT SLOW! As always with guitar, patience does truely pay off, take the time to master the technique slow, get it down well, get it clean, then speed it up, it'll take time, but it'll pay off in the end i promise

if need be i could even throw a coupla videos on here demonstrating the technique a bit in order to give you more of an idea if you need it, in any sense im outta here

best of luck brutha!