connecting POD 2.0 to my computer


Gobble Jo0 fetus!
Mar 21, 2003
hello, can someone please please explain how i connect a pod 2.0 to my computer? With pod xt, you can just use USB but how do i get the signal from the POD to my computer with POD 2.0?
The easiest solution would be to go from the headphone jack of the POD 2.0 into the line-in of your soundcard. Make sure you're using a stereo cable... you can get adapters to change the 1/4" plug to 1/8".. also make sure the adapters are stereo.
Be carefull with using adaptors, between the adaptor and the length to the 1/4 inch plug you can break the input on your mother board (found that out the hard way).

Go to radio shack and buy a cord 1/8th inch male to 1/4 inch male or female or if you are capable, you could make one out of a old cable and an old set of heaphones. may not be the best but it beats buying a new computer... like I had to. :erk:
Don't go from the headphone jack. The POD has an out that goes into your soundcards line-in jack. You will need to get a 1/4 to 1/8 adapter for your cable so it will fit in your soundcard. Be sure that the Pod it set to DIRECT on the little switch on the top left. Turn the volume and level all the way down on the POD and turn off your PC speakers before you power the POD up.
I suggested the headphone jack because it would output in stereo so you could use the stereo effects (if you don't care about these then you can stop reading now). If you just connect it to the line out (left or right): left will output in mono (and will adjust all stereo effects to mono) and right will only give you the right side of the output. You could get yet another adapter to convert 2 1/4" mono plugs into one stereo plug- but just plugging into the headphone jack and boosting the level on the POD seems like an easier solution to me. :Smug:
Meandor said:
just plugging into the headphone jack and boosting the level on the POD seems like an easier solution to me. :Smug:

Not recommended. You could end up overloading the soundcard and having to replace it.