Would you like to hear my POD tone and playing?:)

Originally posted by ke2
:D I don`t have any "finished" songs as such, I`m afraid. I`m having trouble concentrating, so it is difficult to finish them. I`d like to incorporate more parts, etc. but it means I have to program drums, write more stuff etc... Most of what`s recorded is actually improvised. I`ll have to chew some ritalin to be able to make a whole song, I guess:lol:
I`ll post it here if I manage to do a complete song, and on my mp3.com room as well. It has been little used up until now;)

Thanks for the reply

Knut Einar

I know what you mean about this. I find it a little hard to concentrate on making backing tracks. I have made 2 very short ones and recorded guitar to them and put them on my mp3.com page.
I just made another today, which again weighs in at only 1 minute long.

I'm actually currently programming the bass and drums for one of my band's songs. Me and the keyboard player in my band will record our parts to it.
But it's taking time to get the whole thing mapped out, especially trying not to just keep repeating the drum and bass parts. I'm trying to stay pretty faithful to my bandmate's parts. But it's taking a lot of time to do.

I'm just downloading your clips now. I'll post back once I've listened.
Wow! That's a beautiful tone you've got for the lead sound on Tekno. An interesting idea to use that kind of beat, too.
The rhythm is really good, too, but I most like the lead tone. It's not too aggressive, but it's got enough sustain on it.
I'm hearing only good things about the POD. It really does seem to be the way to go for direct recording.

Cool!! That opening on D-Sangen is absolutely kick-arse. Good stuff.
The lead tones are the modern higain emu. The reason it didn`t get so aggressive was that I used a "bastardocaster" with a fender single coil PU. It has a pretty low output, thus the smooth-ish tone:) The other PU on the guitar is a SD JB. I normally use an Ibanez RG 506 with EMG`s, but I figured it would get too heavy for the sound I was looking for.

Thanks for the nice words, guys:D

Knut E

Ooops leper, I`m not sure aqbout the scales, I`m a nincompood when it comes to theory. I believe it is harminic minor, and possibly a phrygian:confused: lol

Perhaps someone with a little theoretic insight could tell me:lol:
Hey Davo, and anyone else who wants to know. I got some links to some pretty cool software that's free and NOT a trial version.

The first is a multi-track recording suite that is pretty ok, especially for a free one (it seems a lot better than some of the software that you can buy).
The second is, wait for it.......a FREE version of Pro-Tools!!! I'm just downloading it now, so I don't know how complete it is. But I imagine it's pretty damned hot.



You'll have to register to download each, but that only takes about 2 minutes. Just submit an email address and the country in which you live.

Hope someone finds this as useful as I did.