¡¡¡ The Official Thread for Vikk, who by the way is a thread thief of beauty !!!ONE

What are you two talking about? :cry:

You know that my sis can translate every word :p
awww... but i don't have any gypsy astrology charts *insert pout and bambi eyes*

...virgo? pweez?
ok... post in the "ask LR" thread
she's mean about me loving MIMA :cry:

she's taking MIMA away from me :cry:
no. and no. MIMA <3's me. i have permission from everybody but you... now that's mean. :cry:
Not nice, LR. Bad bad girl. :p

Black Core, MIMA will always love you, I'm sure. :)
teh Vikkster likes when i'm a bad bad girl. :p
@LR I adore you!
:blush: Mio amore!

p.s. I think I scared teh Vikkster... :(