¯\(°_o)/¯ How do convince drummer..

So many assumptions flying around. Without ever meeting or hearing the player in question most people are automatically assuming that;

1: He will have a shitty drumkit
2: He will not look after, or tune his drums
3: He will be a mediocre player

Purely based on the fact that he wants to hear his own drums recorded.
The drummer's either an idiot, or he really knows his shit. If someone tries to replace my notes and chords through intensive editing I'll shit on his face. Quantizing is fine. From a drummer's point of view it's more or less like that.

And seriously dude, get a tension watch, tune the drums yourself and mic it. With a little effort it is not going to sound like shit. Just make sure you're sober.
I would say it like this:

- Argument: lack of experience in micing drums. If this is your drum session (including live gigs) between numbers 0-50, mic the kit. It doesn't hurt to learn. Experiment with mic position, but beware of the proximity effect.
- Argument: triggers. You don't need triggers for sample replacement, you can do it from the mic signals too if you have miced the drums well
- Argument: "I don't have high quality mics". You don't need hi-quality mics, except maybe for the kick you need something that can withstand good amount of soundpressure, but in general almost any dynamic mic will do for drums. I have miced the whole kit with SM57's and a kick with D112 for many many times